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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Anybody out there with a copy of ANAM 2002 handy at work? (although the date in question is in 2001, the book is published early the succeeding year, with the year of publication in the title - don't ask me why they do it that way; it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either)
  2. I think I may have been in attendance at some of that band's gigs in years long past. Pretty good stuff. Bummer about the accident, but it sounds like he's taken the cards dealt and turned them into a winning hand. Saw Cragg about a month ago. He's working on replacing the Cobra pick I loaned him last year when he broke his. I expect we'll be hooking up once it gets a might colder over here. Merry Christmas, Wes!
  3. Cool, Wes! BTW, love the avatar image!
  4. I just turned 45, had my physical, and my doc ( a general practice MD) suggested that it is something I should seriously consider, given my recreational lifestyle. He also said some stuff about glucosamine that I should look out for, but I don't remember exactly what all that was. In general, he gave it a for me. I should call him up again...
  5. Now you know why I said the above.
  6. That seems like a rather disingenuous comment. Ricardo is right; research works. swaterfall: next time you run across an RMI guide, talk to him/her about how they got hired. Ask all the questions you want/they're willing to answer. It's prolly best not to grill them when they're with a herd of clients on route, tho. Look them up at the RMI barn by the lodge or at the Muir hut. Also, I know of at least two posters on this board who are guides up there. And talk to the rangers about RMI, too. They have info about them as well. They have to.
  7. You have been having better luck than I with the search function, then. I only seem to get hits for threads that have been started since the most recent upgrade. No returns for threads older than a coupla months or so.
  8. Hood River - Big Horse Brewpub or the 6th Street Bistro Of course, this is only for folks not headed directly to PDX, as it's on the north side of the hill.
  9. sobo

    Name My Dog

    Quirky. "So, what's your dog's name?" "She's quirky." Of course, any number of other adjectives would work fine. Or you could name her
  10. Truly poetic. How long did it take you to write that?
  11. Dave Page??? WRONG!! His service has gone to shit, and he's copped a 'tude. I have been blessed and seen the true light. The only correct answer is Rumata's. Enough said. And thanks to all of you out there who helped me to see the light. original thread
  12. sobo

    Good lyrics

    W.A. Yankovic has got to write some of the most incredibly funny lyrics ever, I don't care who you are.
  13. sobo

    Good lyrics

    We're Knights of the Round Table. We dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes With footwork impeccable. We dine well here in Camelot. We eat ham and jam and spam a lot. We're Knights of the Round Table. Our shows are formidable, But many times we're given rhymes That are quite unsingable. We're opera mad in Camelot. We sing from the diaphragm a lot. In war we're tough and able, Quite indefatigable. Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable. It's a busy life in Camelot. I have to push the pram a lot.
  14. shhhhhhhhh... Everybody knows there's no witnesses in the Federal Witness Protection Program... it's the criminals themselves.
  15. There's been a lot of discussion on this topic on this board in the past. A search should yield impressive results. But the Q&D answer (for me, at least) is to sharpen it to a butcher knife sharpness with an even bevel of about 30 degrees off the vertical on both sides of the top of the pick, then "knock the edge down" a bit by lightly dragging a flat file across the edge. Do the same for the pointy end. Otherwise, it'll just "fold over" the first time you go out.
  16. Me and some friends were into making brews about 25 years ago down in Houston. We came up with one pretty good beer which we named Toad Ale Brew. We had some nice labels made up for it, and T-shirts and all. Sold it around the clubhouse pool, until the BATF got wind and asked us politely not to do that anymore. So then we asked for a small $2 "donation" per six-pack. The BATF wasn't so kind the next time they came to visit us...
  17. That's rich, especially the part about it being loaded all the time. FWIW, this 3-month salary BS is just that... BS. If I'd spent 3 month's salary on an engagement ring, my wife would've castrated me for being so stupid with our money (and yes, at that point it is our money - don't forget that). Even when she did find the purchase/appraisal papers in the safe downstairs a coupla years later, she said, "Shit Honey, we coulda taken another 4-week vacation to Europe on that!" Whaddaya gonna do? Damned if you spend it, damned if you don't.
  18. Get 'em to drag your ass behind them on their sleds and take you up to Mt. Roothan and/or Chimney Rock and do some cold-weather aid routes or mixed stuff. Or have them drag you over to Gunsight Peak, Harrison Peak and/or Beehive Dome. There might be some low-angled ice up thattaway, especially on Beehive. Just a thought...
  19. For what use do you empoly this piece of gear? As a fluke?
  20. Brand new #4 wired Friend, with Putzl QD and biners. Came out without a struggle at all. Was probably bailed off of, I guess. Tried to give it back via booty call on this board, but no takers after 2 months, so it's mine now.
  21. Jerry, You might want to "camouflage" your email address, lest it get harvested by spammers crawling the bulletin boards. Just a thought...
  22. Bring a map, compass, and altimeter, or a GPS, and know how to use them, especially in a white-out. Be careful wandering around the edge of the Muir snowfield when looking for that gunsight. A lot of folks find the "fast way down" over there, usually in white-out conditions, every coupla years or so, if'n you get my meaning...
  23. Well, you know what I mean. Perhaps "...bolted the crap out of it..." was a much poorer choice of words on my part than "...has a lot of valuable experience placing bolts in Tenino sandstone..." would have been. I just know OW's had a lot of experience working with the particular material in question, and maybe corvallisclimb could stand to benefit from OW's practical adventures in the medium. Just so everyone here knows, I am definitely not here to start a bolt/not bolt war on this board; there are far too many other battles for me to fight. If one must choose, one must choose wisely...
  24. Send a PM to Off_White. He's got his own sandstone crag in his front yard that he's bolted the crap out of. He'll have good practical advice (not to say that what has already been posted isn't).
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