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Everything posted by sobo

  1. In Mr. Lepeska's three posts on this board, I don't think I've ever read anything more eloquent or salient. Thank you for a sorely-missed, considered viewpoint.
  2. sobo

    Favorite movie lines

    From The Outlaw Josey Wales: The Kid: "Ain't ya gonna bury 'em, Josey?" Clint (after spitting a wad of tobacco juice on dead Abe's forehead): "Buzzard's gotta eat, same as worms."
  3. It's an acronym for the airport location designator. Seattle is SEA (makes more sense), Los Angeles International is LAX, etc. Here, try this. Typically, the "K" is just dropped.
  4. OK, Matt, I thought about this some more. There was once a guy I ran across on the internet (on rec.climbing.com, I think) named Joe Bensen who did some FAs with Randall Green and others in the Selkirks about 20 years ago. I think he still lives in Spokane or mebbe Sandpoint. You could try searching him out on RC.com or thru other means. I think he told me he hooked up with Roskelley and Kopczynski as well for a few adventures. I know that JR is a county commissioner up there, and your Spokane climbing group has "access" to him. Mebbe you could pimp Ol' John for some hidden gems, eh? Just thoughts... I'll keep quiet now.
  5. Send a PM to pindude, MCash, or Dane. Although Dane doesn't live up that way anymore, he would know from past experience.
  6. Royal Columns, Developing Arms (5.9 or 9+), a few odd years back. Placed my last cam (#1 or 1.5 Friend) about 10 feet below the top-out. Got myself locked into an armbar at the exit move and couldn't get it figgerd out. Every time I tried something, I started slipping off. I couldn't even get anything in below me. I was hanging out there for about 5 minutes or more, and finally gave it one last college try, and whipped off. I got 20 feet of pure air, then the cam inverted and blew out, and I continued on down to the next piece, which held. About a 40-footer when all was said and done, but much of the edge of the trowzer-filling excitement was taken off by the blown cam. Learned a lesson that day (that I had apparently forgotten) about protecting the exit moves.
  7. Tieton on Saturday Royal Columns for Western Front and did laps on X-factor, then to The Bend for Ed's Jam! Nice day, beautiful weather, good freinds.
  8. SHIT, don't miss that S-turn in the hourglass of Leuthold's
  9. OMFG! Kansas sux ass so bad. I spent a week there one day while driving across the country! Talk about FLAT! And about every 100 miles or so, there's these little outposts with big, tall, wire fences with razor wire on top and little control buildings near by, and lots of gov't warning signs all around... Made me think of "The Day After" the whole day. Creepy. <shiver>
  10. That's enough now, scott. Let the other kids play, too.
  11. sobo

    Favorite movie lines

    He said "watery tarts" Actually, Brad, Dan is "technically" more correct at this particular point in the conversation between King Arthur and Dennis. The "watery tart" comment appears later in the exchange. See the excerpt below: WOMAN: Well, how did you become King, then? ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake,... [angels sing] ...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [singing stops] That is why I am your king! DENNIS: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. ARTHUR: Be quiet! DENNIS: Well, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! ARTHUR: Shut up! DENNIS: I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away! ARTHUR: Shut up, will you? Shut up! I am SOOOOOO sorry I am such a geek about Monty Python. More scene selections and dialogue can be found here.
  12. sobo

    Favorite movie lines

    "Anyone comes through that door, you give 'em two in the chest and one in the head." Capt. Steele, Black Hawk Down And my all-time fave movie line exchange: [blonde Austrian climber] "Do you think that we will make it?" [Clint Eastwood] "Yeah, we're gonna make it." [blonde Austrian climber] "I do not think so, but we shall continue on in good style." The Eiger Sanction
  13. Rosso's (or Russo's).Their slogan (in neon lights) is "U-Tote-Em" burgers. Take exit 106, go through the intersection with the Perkins, Chevron, and Blue Grouse, continue towards town on the old highway, cross over the RR tracks on the overpass and it's on the left before you get all the way into town. I'll give a second on the place as a decent burger joint.
  14. sobo

    Favorite movie lines

    R. Lee Ermey's (as the DI) scene in Full Metal Jacket where he's ripping some recruit a new one. Fahq'n hilarious!! "How tall are you, Private?" "Five-nine, sir!" "Five-nine? I didn't know they stacked shit that high! You trying to squeeze an inch in on me, Private?" And it goes downhill from there... "The best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and wound up as a brown spot on the mattress!"
  15. Back in high school, I had a (second) horn hooked up to produce the sound of a speeding vehicle coming to a screeching halt. It was always great fun to race up to occupied crosswalks and lay on that horn.
  16. For as much time as I wasted on this board today, I just might be. You know the saying, "I was looking for a job when I found this one."
  17. The Blue Grouse (or sumpin' close to that) at Exit 106. It's kitty-cornered from the Perkins that nolanr mentioned. There's also a truck stop just south of the interstate at Exit 109 with a restaurant right next door. Can't remember the name. Sak's, or something like that. Don't bother with the steaks; they use the soles from old climbing shoes. With more time available to you on your way back home, a really good place to chow is the Valley Cafe' on 3rd Street and Pearl Avenue. Good "college kid" style menu and decent prices for good wines by the glass and microbrews. The Ironhorse (a sports bar kinda place) is directly across the street; obviously cheaper and domestic swill is available. If you got more time and money, try Pearl's on Pearl, just around the corner from the Valley Cafe'. But have your date pick up the tab on that one. The trick here is to order the wine flight instead of wines by the glass. For a $10 flight, you get 4 glasses of wine (all reds or all whites) at about 2 or 3 oz each. That's over half a pint for $10. A single 4 oz glass will run about $6 all by itself. Economize!
  18. Cool. Fire away when you're ready. BTW, what's the job (if I may enquire...)?
  19. $48K is what I heard Closer to twice that number. $85k is what the daily rag said. And Norm didn't shut down the whole gym, just the climbing room. Norm is into financial consulting now. I think he's over at Salomon Smith Barney. His wife is running the gym.
  20. Yeah, I get that a lot... But at least she can get a good grip.
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