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Everything posted by sobo

  1. The two flake routes (Running Flakes and Twin Flakes, and all variations) are also good. Don't miss 'em!
  2. sobo

    Bear vs. Monkey

    The monkey prolly threw some shit at the bear, and hence he had it coming to him. They're always doing shit like that. Damn monkeys. Happy birthday, oly!
  3. UPDATE: My little daughter stuffed a bunch of change and other whatnots into the DVD player over the weekend (just found out about this last night), and now it's toast. The LCD window won't even light up. Time to shell out yet another $200...
  4. Yep, it was open to climbing when I was last there a couple of decades ago. Ice climbing as well. Stone Mountain is notorious for micro-edges and dime-size fingernail pinches. You could amputate both hands at the wrists and it wouln't hurt your climbing ability here, except tying it at the belays... Re: LOTM, I thought that the scenery looked awfully familiar as well, but I think it might have been filmed more down near Whitesides Mountain, near Brevard NC, on the border between North and South Carolina. I could check my DVD at home and see what the credits say...
  5. There are indeed two Stone Mountains, as previously stated. Am familiar with your current reading fare; that one was in Georgia. I think I might have some old slides of myself and my first partner (RIP) "back in the day" that I'd have to scan. Searching...
  6. sobo


    "...Gonna go downtown and buy a Mercury or two, 'cuz I'm crazy 'bout a Mercury now... Croooooooooooooooze up and down this roooooooooooad..."
  7. sobo


    all at the same venue? Wow, what a line-up!
  8. sobo


    That's what I was saying, although more subtly stated. Beats S over P tho... Ya gotta love the tulip thing going on there...
  9. sobo


    Hot, ChrisT. Way hot! "Ooooooooooooooooooooooo, Barracuda!" ...apologies to Ann and Nancy Wilson
  10. sobo

    American News

    I feel the love...
  11. From Kevin Pogue's website: DISCLAIMER There are some similarities... ...and Kevin does give credit to Brutus of Wyde at the end.
  12. OW, Are you confusing Stone Mountain, Georgia, with Stone Mountain, North Carolina? As willstrickland noted above, climbing is prohibited at the former, but allowed (dare I say encouraged) at the latter. My very first slab leads were at Stone NC, over 20 years ago. Mercury's Lead (so named because of the requirement to be very fleet of feet) was my first. 3 bolts in an entire rope pitch. Yikes! As we were coming down, an old-timer was soloing up wearing an old pair of EB's with hot pink shoe laces, to which he had attached little "puffball" balls of yarn on the tops of his EBs. What a wild cat! In a word, this guy was the epitome of grace. I was awed. Interesting side note: In winter, when the run-off from the munge/moss on the top of the dome freezes, Stone Mountain makes for excellent bolt-protected ice climbing! Someone had the forethought to place the bolts just to the sides of the water grooves.
  13. sobo

    American News

    rap music is an oxymoron...
  14. sobo

    We're famous!

    You're just jealous!
  15. Thanks, Andy! Goodonya! The entire citation HERE. Note the "Findings" section at the end of the citation. Shouldn't be any more concern from Bob, as long as he keeps access free.
  16. sobo

    We're famous!

    Nice touch. :sniff:
  17. sobo

    We're famous!

    I expected no less from you. Thanks for keeping my expectations mired in the muck... Carry on.
  18. sobo

    We're famous!

    That quote is from our very own seawallrunner. She's seems rather nice. At least, she was nice to me in PM exchanges before... not like you, arch.
  19. Forgiven on Count 1 of the charges. Forgiveness withheld for failing to claim the Age is no excuse in this instance. Spankings are in order. Assume the position...
  20. Just remember what the bumper sticker said... "No matter how hot she looks, there's some guy out there who's damn fucking tired of her shit." Bullshit. She looks like the type of chick who can afford to dump a dude. More like "No matter how hot she looks, you don't have a fucking chance". arch, Now it's just that kind of a 'tude that gives more credence to the wisdom expressed by the bumper sticker...
  21. How's that? Donovan was unlucky while the kids were stupid? Brian, I think chirp was referring to the notion that Recreational Darwinism was thwarted in this instance. Consider this excerpt from the article: So I would surmise that the intent of chirp's post was that two unprepared people survived while one prepared person evidently has not.
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