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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    I sure hope Off_White sees that. Pricele$$!
  2. Agreed, Mark. It would be "poor form" for me to go back and edit that out of my posts at this time, so I will let the error stand as posted, but I accept your correction. Which is the very point I was trying to make. "Many thousands of truckloads", as you have heard, would be far in excess of "...250-300 tons...", as reported in the article.
  3. Hi Ken, While I am also reasonably sure that they aren't planning to try to remove the entire slide, 250-300 tons still seems awfully small in the overall scheme of things. BEGIN If we accept, according to my engineering texts, that some good solid granite weighs on the order of 2 tons per cubic yard, then we're talking about roughly 125 to 150 cubic yards of material to remove, as stated in the article (250 tons/2 tons per CY=125 CY, 300 tons/2 tons per CY=150 CY). Mind you, now, this assumes no air voids in all of this shit, a conservative approach. Now assume that the width of the removal is, say, 30 feet wide (this assumes two 12-foot-wide travel lanes plus a small shoulder area on each side). Taking 150 CY and converting to cubic feet, then dividing by the width of the removal for the roadway leaves an area (that must, by definition, be formed by the length of the slide along the buried portion of the roadway times its height above the roadway surface that needs to be removed) of 135 square feet. If the length of roadway covered by the slide is, say, 30 feet (just a coincidence that I used the same value for the width to be cleared; it really doesn't matter for the purpose of this illustration, as you'll soon see), then that means that the depth of the slide across the road is somewhere in the neighborhood of 4.5 feet thick. Now, given the dimensions of the slide that are stated in the article and the attendant hub-bub that the media has made of the event, I find it rather difficult to believe that the dimensions of the roadway clearing could be this small (30 feet x 30 feet x 4.5 feet thick = 150CY = 300 tons) for a slide of a magnitude of 4 million cubic yards. Hence my earlier comment "250-300 tons sounds trite." QED END Of course, I could be wrong.
  4. sobo


    As for that comment, CC, my mantra is quite the contrary if I suspect that I/we might not succeed with a sufficient margin of safety: "No fucking way am I gonna orphan my kids for that fuck!" In the future, please make a better distinction between SAR and Mountain Rescue.
  5. sobo


    I used to say to my partners, "C'mon, let's get out of here before we have to rescue someone." Then I went and joined Mountain Rescue. Now I just have to wait to get called out. It's a little less bothersome that way, as it doesn't interrupt my climbing as much as already being there when someone decks does.
  6. sobo

    For knotzen

    with our ties on
  7. Just came from the class last month. Have no idea when the numbers got changed.
  8. And in a real pinch, can be tied using only one hand.
  9. Back in my first days on the rock... Alcoa Presents at Seneca Rocks, WV. They say it's a 5.7... I learned rather quickly what all the snickering about a "Seneca Seven" was... Fuggin' thing felt like an old skewl 5.9, and scary, too.
  10. Gee, ya think? Agree with Dru; from the dimensions of the slide, that's like 4 million cubic yards of shit. 250-300 tons sounds trite.
  11. sobo

    For knotzen

    I can tell...
  12. sobo

    For knotzen

    You mean you don't? Sad... And that's why I'm going to live to be 90 (according to the quiz...).
  13. sobo

    For knotzen

    You're doomed! Doomed, I say! Doomed! You too, Kurt!
  14. So you have cheap friends. I have cheap friends, too, but at least I didn't have to buy them.
  15. sobo

    For knotzen

    I was gonna say, nobody can live 100 years and have any vices. But with your disclosure, I won't say that now...
  16. sobo

    For knotzen

    WTF are you guys, anyway... Puritans???
  17. sobo

    For knotzen

    Hon, If you're still obsessing about death, birthdays, and getting old, try this quiz and stop your Hope you live to a ripe old age, and in good health. I'm looking at another 42 years on this rock...
  18. sobo

    Firey plant burns!

    Audrey... dinnertime!
  19. Perfect! My new NSFW warning/disclaimer!
  20. There was a warning. Go back and read my reply, sixth down from the top of this page.
  21. Now, that I find humorous. TubGirl I find disgustingly gross. BTW, the only thing that would have made the convenience store pic funnier would have been for them to drop their pants before positioning the Danishes...
  22. Cut him some slack, Pax. Paul's been looking for an opportunity to spring that one on us for quite some time now...
  23. This is helpful information Duchess - thanks. If that isn't enough info for you, send a PM to this guy. He'll set you straight...
  24. sobo


    Years ago, I dated a girl named Regina. I was always calling her Vagina. Kinda like that Seinfeld episode about "Deloris". The relationship was doomed from the beginning...
  25. An old partner from days of yore once opined, "Sobo, you can't buy Friends." It is true in more ways than one...
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