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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    So, ummm, yeah.....

    Bleah! that looks just like my ass, and I am a man... the last thing I want to be pushin' on is some bony or rock hard muscle ass.... It's gotta make a "slap" noise, or it's no good... Otherwise it's just "gay".... I have doubts you'll have a clear view of any woman until you lose the glare of your homophobia Nothing wrong with being gay, just not ideal for me. And if I want a woman that has a rear like a man, I might as well be into men, thats all, get it? D00d, If you can't see that she's got one fine tight ass, I feel sorry for you. Muscular thighs, visible gappage, and high cheeks with nice "smiles" and good separation, it has the required attributes. YMMV.
  2. Hey, Can one of you mods tell me why my pics on the previous page aren't posting? The URLs work fine when C/P-ed into a browser, and they show up fine in my gallery, but for some reason they won't come up in this thread. I used the "Enter an image" toggle like every time before, but this time it ain't werkin.' And yet wfinley was able to get one of them to post by using the "quote" function (top of this page). What gives??
  3. Sonny climbs at Vantage sans helmet?? He got a deathwish or sumpin'??
  4. Billy, I think you might be right. I thought it was Zig (5.9, and my first lead, a classic Frank sandbag ), and then thought that it might be Zig's companion climb, Zag. If you remember that Zag is the first crack right of the HUGE roof below the bridge, then you're right. And I seem to recall the sign said "Please do not piss in front of the locals."
  5. sobo

    So, ummm, yeah.....

    A nice tush is high and tight, with visible gappage between the thighs, like a champion Brazilian beach volleyball player's butt. Now, while she is not a champion Brazilian beach volleyball player, a nice butt looks a lot like this: Now that's a nice tush! :tup: How does that old saying go? "I'd eat a bowl of her shit just to lick where it came from."
  6. sobo

    So, ummm, yeah.....

    Their butts are too big for my taste. And the one on the right is trampstamped - sure sign of skankdom. :tdown: But we appreciate the thought, BB.
  7. I used the third toggle from the left on the top row of the edit/reply screen ("Enter an image"). It's worked for me before... ?? Just tried your suggestion on the first image. No joy.
  8. Skeezix got me thinking about Frank Gibson, my first climbing partner from my college days back in the Old Dominion. Frank was tragically murdered in his climbing store in Fairfax, VA in November 1990. His wife has since remarried, and his son will graduate high school next year. Please raise a glass to my friend and partner, Frank. RIP, brother. Frank gearing up for my first big wall climb, Whitesides Original Route, NC, ca. 1986. Frank with his favorite beverage. The night before, it got down to 40F below zero, and this was the only thing that didn't freeze. We tried cooking in the tent the next morning, and promptly exploded the stove and burned down the tent. "Warning label? What's a warning label?" Frank aiding a famous line at the NRG, WV Bridge Buttress, ca. Winter 1987. I can't remember the name of this route, it's a 10. Frank clearing out the barrel of his Ruger .44 in the gravel pit near Pembroke, VA, ca. 1988. Yours truly ringing in 1985 in my college apartment shortly after New Year's Eve. Frank and I drank everything you see here. IIRC, it was two bottles of Jack, a bottle of single malt, a bunch or Rolling Rocks, and a ton of some other shit beers. Look at the color of that nose!
  9. All this chestbeating is choice. What a funny thread. Did I mention that I didn't really use the Swiss Army knife? Just the toothpick that comes with it. Yah, that's what I meant.
  10. sobo

    Radioactive Kitty

    Yah, it's mind-numbing. At least it appears that she is resting comfortably. I don't see a lot of movement anywhere in there.
  11. I used a Swiss Army knife and a stick. :neener: :neener:
  12. sobo

    Radioactive Kitty

    Hey, M! How do you keep the cam from reloading so damn often or freeze the image? It's driving me bonkers! Glad to hear Spirit's got her spirits up!
  13. Wayback Machine Skeezix, Those B/W shots of Triple S and from the cave at the south end are priceless. What a nostalgia fest you've sent me on... :sigh: You did know that Thai's Face ain't there anymore, either, right? BTW: You looked a lot like I did 27 years ago, but I think my beard was bigger.
  15. Show up with the pics next time will ya? I was... uhhhh... busy.
  16. One of those Chinese hanging basket chair thingies that attaches to the front porch roof also works. Trust me...
  17. sobo

    [tr] Smith

    That's too damn funny! Truck balls on a chrysler sedan - and blue ones at that! I'd say the guy (or gal) has a pair of brass ones in their pants for that stunt.
  18. Billy, I know about your roots! Sorry to say, I didn't take any pics of the old Gendarme before it fell. Or are you referring to the climbing store?
  19. ivan- didn't figure you for a transplant. glad you could share the love from back there.
  20. True, but that doesn't make it any less gay. True, but I never said that made it any less geh. yeah, my bad, point recieved! let us agree that this whole thing is gay! I agree, this whole MLU thing is really really really geh!
  21. sobo

    it's a good day

    now the carpet can match the drapes
  22. True, but that doesn't make it any less gay. True, but I never said that made it any less geh.
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