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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Steve, Will do. At this time it's just "talk", but if/when it firms up, we'll let you folks at SMR know.
  2. I always got clued in by the hue. If it was sandstone red or tuft luv biege, I knew I was getting screwed.
  3. sobo

    Holy Shit!

    Yeah, about two weeks ago... Not scared, but exciting. What a h00t that must be!
  4. Kill two birds with one stone (no pun intended): tell 'em you're recreating as part of your religious experience. That way, no bust, and you can duck the NW Forest Pass ticket, too! :tup:
  5. Unrelated to thread, but amusing nonetheless... When my wife and I went to Vietnam in late 2002 (and again in early 2003), the TSA folks at SEATAC confiscated my little folding scissors that I use to trim my mustache/nosehair. Oh well, I thought... So we were somewhat amused when we embarked upon the Vietnam Airlines flight from Taipei to Saigon, and dinner was served, complete with real silverware. I mean *real stainless steel* silverware, not the plastic shit you get on US and European carriers. They apparently read the "pass out the pistols" page from Archie Bunker's playbook: arm all the passengers equally, and see how well any hijackers fare after the flight's over.
  6. You were lucky. Those highly-trained, ever-vigilant TSA screeners musta been asleep at the wheel when they let you get by so easily. "And what's in this little bag, Mr. Hemp, eh? Looks like meth to me. Don't it to you, Clem? Step over there to the little red circle and drop all yer clothes, Mr. Hemp, if'n you would, please."
  7. Not exactly to your question, ericb, but if it *does* get stolen, your homeowner's/renter's insurance may actually cover your loss better than the standard shit insurance you get on your bags from the airlines (which I think is like $500 or somesuch). My insurance is with SF, and it covers my losses whether or not my stuff gets pinched from the house, car, or "out on the town." Personally, I'd look into it with my insurance carrier, then either check it or ship it to a friend or climbing shop near J-Tree. If you take Option 2, make sure you make a healthy "gear acquisition purchase" at your benefactor's place of business. It might make for better relations on your next trip... or for others in a similar situation as well.
  8. Shit, spotly, I've seen that shit over there a bazillion times on trips through the coulees, but I never thought anybody actually climbed that shite over there by the park (except when/if it froze up). Whew! Good on you fer giving it the ol' college go!
  9. Cross-posted from Climber's Board:
  10. There really *are* a lot of nice looking bowls up there that drop into the Morse and Union Creeks drainages. But they're pretty scary looking, too, from an avi-perspective. There is talk circulating of our unit being assigned to search from Norse Peak south to Morse Creek next summer. My condolences go out to the family and friends of these three guys.
  11. I'm not certain that I'm uncertain. ok, enuff of this nonsense...
  12. Split from the recent "Hikers at snowlake" thread in the Climber's Board: We've been pinged. The plane has sighted a recent avalanche in the area where these guys would likely be boarding. I can't go, as I'm going under the knife Friday and I have pre-op tomorrow. I fear for these guys... It now appears that the search for these three has been suspended indefinitely. There is talk of going back up to search the BC slopes later this summer.
  13. Our cat Phydeaux thinks he's a dog, too. Comes when you whistle, goes on walks, lets the kids use him as a pillow, etc. Here's a recent pic of the Dread Pirate Cat Phydeaux... Yes, that's pronounced "fi-do", as in the ubiquitous dog name. As I said, he's a cat that thinks he's a dog. But he deserves so much more high-falutin' spelling...
  14. I think that's already been said. But we'd all like to meet *you*, AE...
  15. And I took a grounder from the first bolt on Slender Thread after I had already on-sighted it, but I keep going back. Does that me wierd and some sort of freak, or whut?
  16. This thread has sooooooooo degraded to a all new level of depravity...
  17. sobo


    Have to agree with both Kurt and Rudy. Page is a tool: bad attitude, surly demeanor, shitty customer service. I got the impression that he didn't even want any rock climbers' business. He did a nice job on the shoes themselves, but his behaviour sure needs a good polishing (no pun intended).
  18. sobo

    Centralia flooding

    Happy to hear that you're all right, OW. Seriously. But by your own admission, we longer need to concern oursleves with your safety or situation. So let the bawl and brawl spray onward. As Kev the Bone would posit, this is Spray, after all. Glad that you're OK.
  19. We've been pinged. The plane has sighted a recent avalanche in the area where these guys would likely be boarding. I can't go, as I'm going under the knife Friday and I have pre-op tomorrow. I fear for these guys...
  20. I think you'd enjoy it a little more these days, bill. Snow has heated up a few degrees... that global warming thing, ya know. Water freezes at about 35 F now...
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