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Everything posted by erik
if you ever notice a ford climbing commerical they are always using direct aid, whereas chevrolet is like a rock so its chi is aligned perfectly with the elementssss.....and my chevy has drove right past that pile
you know trask you can use pepper spray on any other type of mammal repellent as a whippit...just make you use small doses and do not directly spray it in your face, cause that might hurt..... put a lite mist into the air and walk through it and relish the high........ disclaimer: this should only be tried by experts or true spray masters.
jason, i would not use a jumar they are a static device and you can shock load your set up....look at using either a gri gri or another type of belay device.....if you do a search there is tons of info on the site about it......
quote: Originally posted by trask: You're my new hero, RB. In fact, I think I'll roll another one in your honor. didn't your mom ever teach you to share, cause i learned to share her with your dad!!!
bronco, you got more class then me..... and you are right about your f250 power stroke out doing my truck, but lets compare apples to apples...... and jay is sooooo right about the party in the s10, just ask tricia, kelli, jay, crack, jason, marci or k8 thank god there were more girlz then dudes there. whos hand is that anyways???? and crack i am watching where you are looking.......
wesman, too much to get into the the reason behind multiple engine options, but it comes down to making a truck for everyone. not everyone needs a diesel or a v10, but when then do go CHEVROLET. granted at least fords are better the mopar/dodge.
looks like you guys(must be ford owners) are compensating for the lack of something...... and bronco you are right about my truck being puny, but it is still invinsible just ask it and the 93k in 2.5 yrs i have put on it.
CHEVROLET vs. ford checked out the websites and compared engines on the 3/4 ton pu and the compact pu's. a note chevy has 5 engine options and ford has 3. Silverado size horsepower torque5.3 285 325lb ft6.0 300 3608.1 340 4556.8diesel 300 520 f250 5.4 260 3506.8 310 4257.3diesel 250 500 s10 4.3 190 250 ranger 4.0 207 238 one thing to note on the specifications is that all chevrolet motors at peak are running about 1000rpms on aver lower then the ford motors.....this wouild make them more effiecent and enviromentally sound. it also increases the useful life span of the motor...... general motors will also be the 1st auto manufactor to use fiber optic cables in their vehicles to replace the current wiring harnesses, reduces vehicle weight by a couple hundred pounds.... they also have introduced night vision and in car saftey/navigation/theft recovery devices.....very innovative....... then we could get into asthetics and even financing, chevy still has em beat. take it east bronco [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
you kidz have fun tonite and drive or ride home safe. i am going skiing with my girlfriend. i will be presenting a slide show on it next week at the city dump.....free refreshments provided by the city......
i think you errantly put a "L" in the word attitude. and on a side note on the same evening i will be having a slide show titled "peolpe who are more interested in their own and good friends accomplishments, then a self promoting person whom has goals to which most poeple dont even care about" you can also buy the book.free referesments. i just think it the fact that other people like to promote themselves for marketing reasons is ridiculous, i in no way take away from anyones acomplishments, especailly if i do not know them, but who gives a f#&k what anyone else climbed, it makes sooooooo little baring on my entire life, then again i am sure no one cares what i type on this website either and just like others climbing accomplishment has no baring anywhere else,someone help me with this but i think that old kook nietsche was talking about celebrating false idols and getting caught up in it and losing your own identity and then wasting away dreaming of others accomplishments......maybe not, but sounds like a good thing.......to practice. have fun kris and rod and i hope someone else cares for your slide show cause i will be relishing in my own glory!!!!!!!!!!1 vie va la erik and by the way not everyone who gives slideshows at thf is a sellout........... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by KeithKSchultz:When I started climbing there was no such thing as gortex, recurved picks, plastic boots and a long list of other "common" tools that all these whiners refer to having used in their posts on this site. Who the hell do you think developed those things? It wasn't Dagwood and Herb in their garage you idiots. If you use their tools or the technologies their corporate structures helped develop you are part of the "problem". Grow up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gore tex was created by the gore company in a test to create artificial skin for burn victims.- not a climbing company soft shelled plastic was intially used i beileve by dupont or nasa to create better equipment for astronuats, then adopted by a ski boot company- not a climbing company recurved picks were invented by chouinard, whos company couldnt stand up to litigation- that would be poor corporate structure so sure these things were invented but not by the current climbing capitalistic corporate struture. i think most material sciences happens outside the climbing world and they just pick it up and apply it from there. so sure this stuff was invented but only one by a climber
well greg even though dan larson sux, atleast he has a good attitude for it.....and when you are done sno sealing his boots you and gi joe can come over and mow my yard and vaccum my truck out before i go to canada.
ill even throw in a muir commemrative plastic baggy with some oregano in it.......
i got for ya dano. i took a whipper on it, but it is a 37m 7mm blue water ice floss. still good stuff though. i dont like glacier routes so unless there is rock and i probably dont want to fall on it again, so dare ya go. is yours a dry rope??? and what is the manufactor??? none of that millet crap. [ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
quote: Originally posted by Dru: i dont take bombers across the border it was his and he shared! i guess i am in the "chongo nation" now. do yo have your offical t-shirt....if not then go home!
i dunno what type it was but mr goodtime brought some smoothin sippin over priced eastside of the lake christmas bottle of whiskey out to cathedral peak. lasted about as long as the 1 gram that we brought for 4 days. *poof* gone.
quote: Originally posted by Dru: actually i think chongo has actually done some FA's in josh. he took us through the cave crawl in real hidden by moonlight once too. all the while burning a big bomber. drul the real question is: "was it your big bomber or did chuck just happen to smell it and appear out of no where???? they should use tyhat guy at the border crossing %100 apprahension rate with a %10 kick back woul d work good for him.
quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Umm you sure you dont wanna strike that remark please read all the context caveman, and you will get it. cya
tr'ing in general. i dont do it. follow routes yes. though i am not inncoent of puttin a rope up. but for the most part i would agree with drul, tr'ing only can help you in limited applications, like minor techniques and the what not. if you are constantly trying routes well above your ability and just struggle to do it, where do you get practice??? are you practicing getting frustrated or failing??? those two things seem counterproductive to a healthy learning enviroment. you dont tr wi2 or 3 do you?? so if you wanted to get good at tr'ing or follwing you might was well just do that, but if you want to get good at leading then get on the sharp end!! to learn and to train for climbing requires climbing. miles and miles of vertical feet is what it takes to be a 'good' climber.
quote: Originally posted by Dru: And what would you get on top of to qualify for drinking a Bowen Island Blonde? in downtown vancouver, probably a prostitute.
quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Hey did you guys peek anywhere near the climbs rocky and bullwinkle!? caveman, those climbs are up the birkenhead valley. i couldn't give you directions, but i could drive you there. but i bet those climbs have very little ice right now, cause they are further west and lower then lil-wet. fun stuff though. i recommend the plum!
quote: Originally posted by jon: Erik that ain't cool leavin a brutha hangin man. ha.............. stick to something easy jon, like cancer research your humor is weak!!!!!
feel free to email me for further discussion. what i see as your first need is to get away from your sport climbing tendencies and get you into alpine frame of mind. from there partners will flood into your life and you will have expeditions planned for years to come. join us at the next tacoma pub club and i bet dwyaner and myself can get all that bolt clippin b.s. clear of your brain. be safe and have fun
having everyone to get an exgirlfriend to move to index with some other females, that way you have a nice house to stay in and a nice kitchen to cook your dinner. plus who after a rainy day climbin would even want to drive home?????? i guess this goes to show you should always be nice to everyone!!!!
Do you wake up at 5 AM for the alpine start for ice climbing and rock climbing when it is not necessary? i have insomnia Do you eat healthy foods? Do you avoid big macs, whole barns etc? worst eating habits on the planet Do you refuse beer in large quantities the night prior to climbing? in large quanites sometimes, in general never Are you a non Smoker with 4001 checmicals in them it is an easy descion Do you climb 5.12 or WI5? it's happend before Do you wear spandex ? only in the private of my girlfriend's bedroom(my roomate is nosy) Are you missing a beer gut? proudly missing one!!!! Do you tape your hands to crack climb every time?maybe after they embalm my body, but never while i am alive Do you decline weed? hahahahahaha Do you train for climbing? only by climbing and doing some other activites. but training in general? only if i were gattin paid or laid If you can anwer yes to 5 of above questions you might be a robot so what does that make me ray???? [ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: erik ]