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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Awright people, here's the deal. We're going with a weeknight event. February 23 - 8 pm-? This should give all you slackers (like me) time to get your shit developed. Shouldn't interfere with the long weekend or other climbing plans. If this date poses a lot of problems for people, let me know.
  2. The wife and I had hoped to be there this XMas but we blew our wad on the honeymoon. We'll be there next XMas.
  3. Hey Harkin, why don't you go back to kissing David Naughton's ass and screwing Shannon Tweed and leave the climbing shit to climbers. Oh yeah, and try something original next time. I took Harkin Banks out of my decrip about three months ago. Chump.
  4. Winter

    one for dru

    mmmm squid sushi
  5. Happy Birthday Rob. Forgot to mention he turned 39 on the day of the accident.
  6. Shit, what are you guys, a bunch of radical environmental lawyers or something?!
  7. Good work getting out. Were you able to drive to the trailhead or how close did you get?
  8. Believe me Rob's face was much more photogenic.
  9. Winter

    Dream Gym

    PRG is definitely not the place for picking up chicks. But I here they've got some great slab climbs.
  10. baked snaffle and horsecock stew
  11. RBW strapped it on and climbed the rest of the weekend with a concussion and super mangled face. That shit doesn't make the news. Good job man. I've got a pretty good pick of the route and accident scene (aka your face), which I'll post tonight if you don't mind.
  12. Hmmm ... must be a reversal of the thermohaline circulation.
  13. Yes, TMG is fine. I've never used them, but I doubt you would go wrong. I've met several of their guides on the mountain, at Smith, etc etc and they all seemed competent, but of course it depends on who you get.
  14. I would start by looking in Twisp. Anything closer will cost $$.
  15. I would suggest the New Seasons at 20th and Division. Its about 5 minutes off of I5 if you know how to get there. Avoid downtown at all costs right now, as its a fucking XMAS zoo.
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