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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. I went on my very first climbing trip with someone who was packing heat this weekend. I really didn't feel any safer then the thousands of other trips I've been on. I think you've gotta take GW's comments about guns with a grain of salt. Other than a couple times shooting a gun I've never packed heat, and I've never felt threatened. I think the NRA has a little chip in Greg's head. As to the female part of the equation, I think having a partner or a big dog would be more fun than going solo with a gun.
  2. Friends of mine climbed it last summer. It is a long walk and there are some loose sections, but they liked it. Send a PM to Rat for the real info.
  3. Fuck off geek! why don't you buy a car
  4. Who ask you Slamming people who aren't there to defend themselves has a long tradition Strike 5.... Thinks he's some sort of gangsta. Bag on
  5. Quit drinking that kid stuff (JD) at the very least drink Jim Beam. Better yet spend a little more money for something not so nasty.
  6. I'm not into that kiddy porn shit. Save that for your family. You sure like to post pictures of yourself at the drop of a hat MissNormandy. I like the more coy cc.com regular females. I've met a bunch of them and they're all cute!
  7. He sure got his ass kicked I'm sure he had it coming.
  8. Ya know I was into this thread when we were talking about WalMart. Now....
  9. Ok Trask Whatever
  10. I love Coffee I can't get enough of it How the Hell are you suppose to get out in the cold and rain and prune/kill trees? Huh? And Drugs rule too! And to all you health nazis....
  11. Yeah, you can call the park rangers from the summit of Rainier and ask how to get down.
  12. I bought a sledge hammer and a pry bar, then rented a cut off saw. We then went up to the job site and broke a bunch of sidewalk. Then I sprayed, and then I drove around and looked at trees. Right now I'm spraying Tomorrow
  13. Wrong... it's not just enough to not like it...we need to ridicule it.
  14. I think they deleted my post too. Nope its still up Mayloohoo sure cracks me up......"Ok everyone put on your spray hats..." fucking whatever
  15. Hiking is stupid. I don't care how long they've been around NWhikers suck. PS I've been spraying for a lot longer than any web site's been up; I just didn't know what it was called.
  16. Here ya go Stefan. Read this: Weekly Article And this web page
  17. Don't you mean to say unethical enough? Nope. What's unethical about Walmart? Your ethics are different than other people's ethics. Didn't you read anything I wrote. Walmart has there own Industrial Insurance. They don't have to answer to Labor and Industries. They have a pattern of denying there employees legitimate work related injury claims. They've lost in court multiple times yet they continue with this practice. Also they change workers time cards so they don't get overtime pay. I run a business and I consider both of these actions unethical. I guess you think fucking your employees is ok Stefan.
  18. hey trask...can i have your woman? i hope you likes em young... I hope you know Trask's women are all ewes.
  19. Hey Trask, can I have your boat?
  20. Soon as I get cleaned up and take care of some business I'll head out.
  21. Ya know, when I was going to school in Moscow ID we used to get the Spokesman Review. At least once a month they would have some crap on the main page talking about how Spokane was so much superior to Seattle. Napoleon complex.
  22. Shut up Dave. The post regards printed material in a guide book. So....inquiring minds need to know.....
  23. I don't even know where the nearest WalMart is..... Yet another reason not to be some country bumpkin or live in some goat blowing suburb.
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