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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. At the very least admit your true feelings for each other Oh yeah
  2. Chimneys rule.
  3. Come on guys don't let us down.
  4. I'd like to see some more personal details aired in public. Perhaps you two share a love interest? Or maybe just maybe you both have feelings for each other you haven't expressed. Of course you can also go the junior high route and meet after scool out by the bike racks. Please keep us posted
  5. The plot thickens
  6. Climb: Prusik Peak-South Face Date of Climb: 8/7/2005 Trip Report: Jeff H and I climbe Prusik peak via the south face. We hiked in from the snow lakes side. The hike was nice; I haven't been up that trail in a long time. Prusik Peak We got to the base of the face at about 7:30 and decided to do as many chimneys as possible, so I led the first pitch via the chimney. South Face from the bottom Top of the first pitch From their there's a bunch of nice climbing to the chockstone chimney and the flairing chimney above. I led this as one pitch. Part way up the flairing chimney Jeff led the pitch to the summit. I really like how the climb ends at the summit instead of turning into bullshit 1 or 2 pitches below the top. Jeff on the Summit Pitch View of Little Anapurna From the top we did 4 single rope rappels and then traversed to the west ridge. A little scrambling and one more rappel got us back to our packs. From the base of the face it's a long way out, but it's a good climb!! Gear Notes: Standard rack to 4" Approach Notes: We'd heard about the horror show around Colchuck lake, what with no painted dots marking the trail, so we chose Snow lakes as the approach. To our horror their were no painted dots there either, but we managed to survive.
  7. AlpineK

    60 years ago

    One point that gets overlooked is that a real life lesson in the concequences of an action is much more efective than a hypothetical one. Did we stop a nuclear war with the Russians when we both had enough firepower to destroy human life because everybody had a real understanding of what nuclear weapons did?
  8. I'm just saying he's going to end up with a * next to each TR
  9. This song
  10. Triggering your own pagetop is poor etiquitte; though not repugnant.
  11. Exactly
  12. Those are climbers from Bangladesh
  13. I'm spending this weekend climbing and not working on my house.
  14. Something that might get someone divorced if posted online. Why is what you're reading on cc private???? hmmm
  15. So when were you out climbing last Dave????
  16. AlpineK

    New to PNW

    Vancouver WA or BC?
  17. You are the king of personal attacks when someone disagrees with you.
  18. You started at 10 AM You gotta jump on that shit. CJZ and I did the route 2 weekends ago and we started at 7 AM. Also your camping choises sound dumb. I'll set you straight via PM.
  19. Climb: Lexington/North Early Winters-East Face/West face Date of Climb: 7/31/2005 Trip Report: On Saturday Jeff H, Eric, and I climbed the East Face of Lexington. The route is dry and you can avoid the icy snow patch at the base by climbing up the gully inbetween the Minute Man and Lexington and traversing towards the tree covered ledge. I climbed the offwidth with 2 #5 Camalots and avoided using the bolts. On Sunday we climbed the West Face on N Early Winters Spire. The crux is exciting; you've pretty much got to layback and go for a ways. We met up with CrazyJZ and, "the real JZ," on the summit and then rapped. We found a funny picture of Mike Layton in the summit register and saw that: Doughnut head, Crazy Bob, and Kelly had climbed the peak. Gear Notes: 2 #5 for Lexingtonand 1 #4.5 Lots of small stuff for the WFNEWS plus you may want a #4.5, but it isnt absolutely necesary.
  20. Fairweather hates Willie Nelson
  21. No, I'm the 10th guy to the right of the flag.
  22. I've been there!
  23. Ding ding ding; we have a winner. Not that I'm suprised that Fairweather doesn't have a firm grip on the facts.
  24. I climbed Backbone ridge in a day with a friend last year. We started early and made it back to the car at twilight. Of course things take longer when you're a party of 3 and you and your pal Ray are being guided.
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