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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. AlpineK

    Hey Porter!

    I'm sorry I missed posting in the new [font:Comic Sans MS] M's [/font] forum Baseball rules
  2. There better not be a war on
  3. AlpineK

    'Earth Hour'

    We as a society noticed the bad effects of alcohol and chose to make it illegal. After a period of time people decided to still purchase alcohol legal or illegal. After further thought everybody decided that making alcohol illegal was a bad idea and we should make it legal to folks over a certain age. As things now stand alcohol is legal, but it can be placed at the roots of many bad accidents and deaths. In my view pot/marijuana followed in this same tradition with the slight exception that pot was made illegal because it was perceived popular with blacks and Mexicans. Thus it was easy to make rules making the substance illegal. In a lot of countries today pot is legal to own, but it's still viewed as a possible medical problem. The countries I'm talking about still spend tax money to help folks eliminate or reduce their use of pot, but they don't throw you in the slammer. We could save a lot of tax dollars by taking the same approach. There are a lot of people in jail in the US merely for having a joint on them. If we spent tax money on educating people about negative consequences we would both help folks and save money. As for other substances I'm not sure. It seems like coca leaves are ok talking to climbers who've been to Peru, but cocaine is much worse. Crank and meth sound all around bad. Taking a drug by injecting it without a doctors supervision is another bad idea.
  4. AlpineK

    'Earth Hour'

    Um Seahawks Greenland was named that way to throw other countries and competitors for new land off to the fact that Greenland was a giant chunk of ice and glacier. They discovered Iceland which was a good place to populate and named it that to throw off competitors. That's been common knowledge for a long time.... to folks with an IQ over 10.
  5. AlpineK

    'Earth Hour'

  6. The phone book puts ages in it now??? this one does http://www.whitepages.com/ This page is scary. It lists everywhere I ever lived.
  7. AlpineK


    My prediction is the November election is going to be tight. Who will win? I bet the US economy in the fall will have a big impact on the results.
  8. Nice job. Your descent was via AA col?
  9. I've skied on a pair of Shuksans at the resorts and on some longer backcountry trips. In all of these situations Shuksans rock.
  10. La Grave is a great place. Have fun.
  11. Right The same smart people that think Green Trails maps are better than USGS maps.
  12. Any of you folks ever heard of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration They've had this web site for a while. It seems to cover a lot of places.
  13. Why don't you spend some time in the Canadian Rockies on some of the 5.9 A2s there then report back. Sometimes routes are over rated and other times they're under rated.
  14. That's a funny video.
  15. Exactly
  16. Yep, Nancy Pelosi has some guts.
  17. gone wild
  18. Yow :kisss:
  19. Well I'm not sure of the details; All I know is I have 63 million dollars. If I can only get it a bit at a time I'm still rich. I've also got another email telling me that I've won a few million in English Pounds Sterling . There's no ATM involved with that one. All I have to do is send them some information and the money is mine.
  20. I'll just travel from ATM to ATM.
  21. I've had a few good emails recently. The best one told me that, "You are going to receive an ATM card with 63 MILLION dollars in it." All I have to do is send them my: name, address, and phone #. I'm also rich.
  22. AlpineK

    Ode to Thai Tom

    Can be good - a bit inconsistant when busy Thai One On is pretty good. It's also local (for me) which makes it better.
  23. Happy Vernal Equinox. Day = Night.
  24. On the other hand folks in Chicago have a different take on disco.
  25. Even Megadeth loves disco. i4jlYYLuNqU I love
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