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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. How is this going to help you with your New Year's Resolution?
  2. Well of course, but the truck to watch last weekend was Son-uva Digger. While my wee lads were justifiably mesmerized by the monster trucks, I was much more impressed with the freestyle motocross dudes. Those guys are crazy skilled. I just wish I could live closer to Tacoma.
  3. I went to MonsterJam last weekend in the TACOMA DOME. And SUPERCROSS isn't coming to Seattle this year. The implications are clear.
  4. Well, how about that: http://tutorialheads.wikia.com/wiki/Alantutorial He plays a pretty convincing whacko.
  5. thanks for the real time reporting! Hydrophobia looks just as you describe, like something out of a comic book. Amazing.
  6. Humor is culturally based, no doubt about it. However, I don't think Alan is trying to be funny. I wish he were, it wouldn't be nearly as disturbing.
  7. That is insane, and possibly one of the more pointlessly risky solos I've ever read about. He'd already done it before in much better conditions!
  8. Oh man, I thought I had an epic before, but it doesn't even make it on the scale. I never plan on dinner with my wife the night I'm due out of the mountains. And, wait a sec, wasn't his wife with him?
  9. That guy scares me, some of those tutorials are pretty wild.
  10. You may want to try one of the Tumeric supplements as well. I've had some neck issues bugging me for too long, and the PT I went to suggested it and it seems to help a lot. The other suggestions above are great as well and I wish you luck!
  11. Thanks for the SGA recommendation, I had never heard of it before. Amazing looking though! Care to share any others of the same ilk?
  12. Indeed. Thanks for the reminder that there are a lot more options than most of us realize.
  13. JasonG

    Wild Thing!

    "The two left Canmore in the early hours of Nov. 18 and retuned on Nov. 19. They spent just under 30 hours car-to-car climbing the famous 1987 alpine route, which was first climbed by Barry Blanchard, Peter Arbic and Ward Robinson. The route was freed by by Jon Walsh and Jonny Simms in 2008 at M7. The direct was climbed by Raphael Slawinski, Dana Ruddy and Eammon Walsh in 2009. The first one-day ascent and one-day free ascent of the original route was by Josh Wharton and Chris Alstrin in 2012, they climbed the route in 15.5 hours base to summit. Leclerc and Lavigne took advantage of the good early season conditions, little snow and cold nights. Their ascent is the eighth or ninth of the original route." Cool!
  14. The NF ramp on Harvey may be in thin and spicy shape. I'd imagine Sumallo cirque might be in interesting shape as well.
  15. She was just used to the days when Fred worked the door.
  16. Is that what you have Dru? Those have always looked pretty sweet, but I don't see many using them.
  17. Road seemed fine with adequate space when I walked it a couple years ago. There is only one minor wash out that HC cars would have no problem with. It is frustrating to have NPS trucks drive past you without offering a ride.
  18. JasonG

    election 2014

    Don't blame me, I voted for
  19. I don't doubt that there are certainly funding issues but, like others, I get the sense that they don't mind shrinking access. Seems to be a combination of concern for resource damage and trying to simplify managing the herd. I think many rangers could go farther to show how they are trying to facilitate and enhance the access of the user groups. This is a generalization, I'm sure there are rangers out there who are trying to help the average recreationalist, rather than corral them. But the stereotype exists for a very good reason, in my experience. I'm much more sensitive to this now that I have short legged hiking companions.
  20. This is my new favorite TR. I'm sure all the dads out there would agree, you done good. And nice climb too. I can only try my best to follow your lead with my young boys.
  21. You aren't lying, well done! Here's to little Colton, I hope he pulls through.
  22. Wow, the write up on his injuries and hospital experience sounded pretty rough. Hang in there Josh!
  23. Another strong outing Eric, thanks for the report! How was that trail out the South Cascade River? I don't think it has been maintained in some time.
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