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Everything posted by philfort

  1. That would be one for Jon and Tim to answer, since it's still in my profile. Where IS my @#$@#@!@#$ beckey???!!??
  2. quote: Originally posted by Dru: tomato meet? sorRY, hi don't know 'ow to spell hin henglish.
  3. Poutine is a culinary delicacy exported from Quebec, consisting of french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. Or you can get it "Au Michigan", and that's with a tomato meet sauce instead of gravy. Usually the first half of your plate is delicious, then the last half becomes revolting.
  4. quote: Originally posted by rayborbon: Considering the amount of snow that fell over the weekend I cant even try to understand why you would write the above. A thinly veiled personal attack on me I see. I was simply correcting misinformation. What I said was true: the incident happened Sunday. And, the avi danger was worse Monday than Sunday (based on both the avi forecast, and common sense). That said, I agree the avi danger was bad Sunday. I was at Baker, and we basically bailed on doing any skiing because of it. 2 feet of consolidated snow on ice crust. I skied up to this (safe) 15 foot convex roll and said "Let's see if I can make this slide". I made one gentle hop, and *crack*, and the slope fractured down to the ice crust and slid off.
  5. I learned of this accident yesterday morning, so I think it happened Sunday (when the avalanche danger was not quite so high), not Monday as the avi report stated.
  6. Because they spent the money they were going to use on a second hut, on a wheelchair accessible bathroom instead.
  7. Looks like the closure only goes into effect July 15th though....
  8. Martin Volken vs. Seabury Blair = very different.
  9. code: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ {{{{ {{{{ {{{{ {{{{ {{{{ See?
  10. Ok, I guess Dru doesn't know what he's talking about, eh? If you use { characters it will work, I promise... [ 02-28-2002: Message edited by: philfort ]
  11. There might be some smoke in the crater.
  12. quote: Originally posted by highclimb: well i went to topozone and looked at the maps......couldnt find any steep cliffs anywhere............sounds fishy.......... I guess the USGS is "in on it" too...
  13. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: What's it called Phil? Enigma Pillar? good one... it ain't got no name, because it probably has never been climbed!
  14. I agree, it would be rude; I wouldn't do it. Good to keep it peaceful.
  15. Can you take your own snowmachine up there, or is it private property, or private parking, or something? And if you can, can you continue further (past the huts) towards the good skiing/climbing, or is that wilderness, or would that just be plain uncool 'cause it's a nice peaceful area?
  16. It would be cool if they had an uphill/downhill race, like they do with some telemark races. Telemark racing per se, where you're just going through gates, seems a little silly to me. 'cause downhill gear is so much better for that. I once volunteered for a race on the telemark circuit, where we had to stand at gates to make sure the racers were in proper telemark position at each turn. A little contrived.
  17. You actually had good skiing there this wknd? I was at Jim Hill mtn on Sunday, which is pretty close-by. The snow was wet'n'sloppy to at least 6000ft.
  18. quote: Originally posted by David Parker: Since there is no ice climbing to speak of, it's something to consider. There is some ice. Photo taken last weekend in the Cascades:
  19. I think that's still 48$CDN per double
  20. Did you see him in action, or did he just tell you that, and you believed it?
  21. quote: Originally posted by rperitore: Looking like we'll be up there next week from about Wednesday-Saturday.Full TR upon return. So.... where is the full TR? You certainly had good weather Wednesday-Saturday.....
  22. Or getting ready to have an MRI... (e.g. "please remove all watches, metal jewelery," etc...)
  23. I used ubb tags [ 02-18-2002: Message edited by: philfort ] [ 02-18-2002: Message edited by: philfort ]
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