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Everything posted by jon

  1. So Off White...I did a little search on this board last night to find my so-called book promotions. What did I find? Years ago I quoted from a couple of them to address questions, including one about Machu Picchu and gave a title of an archaeology book where I describe such sites should anyone be interested. Book promotion???? Hardly. I never mentioned my own name or where I live. And if I had, it would have been my own choice, not that of "mattp" who has an axe to grind when it comes to certain topics. And I consider adding my town of residence to be malicious. And then there are those who ridicule my profession outside of climbing and the moderators must find it amusing despite the complaints. Whatever, dude. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/703143/Re_To_the_fathers
  2. While this isn't official policy it's pretty close that we will never require people to use their real names. First off, it's not realistically enforceable. Second, there are a litany of reasons to allow people to keep a certain level of privacy that far outweigh the perceived benefits of using peoples real names.
  3. Ditto That's a good point and something we have thought about in doing that. It might be that we might make so that people can associate their screen names with their wiki name, or if they choose, not.
  4. Hey folks there are a few other threads about this. It doesn't appear this gear is stolen. I'm locking the thread. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/938476/Re_Redpoint_Climbers_Supply_of#Post938476
  5. There is a pretty good movie on iTunes called "Truth in Motion" about the US alpine team getting ready for Vancouver. Worth checking out.
  6. Same person. Not likely the person.... http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/bfs/1574785887.html
  7. jon


    In your mouth. Don't choke. OOOOOHHHHH SNAP!!!!!11
  8. jon


    Please do not spray about other boards on cc.com. If you dislike other sites don't visit them, keep it to yourself, and invest in the ones you like. If you like cc.com invest in positive content that helps other people, whether it is helpful info, cool and inspiring photography. I don't read much over there, I have read some of the things they say about cc.com, maybe some of it is justified, some of it not. That said, myself, Timmy, Porter, and the moderators, some who have been helping us keep going for over 7 years now, have invested a ton of time into this place. Have we made mistakes along the way and allowed too much. Yes. Have we been too "tolerant". Probably. Have we also created a pretty kick ass place. I think so. It doesn't feel very good reading stuff putting down something you've invested almost 10 years of your life into. I've got a pretty thick skin but it still can bum you out a bit. Keeping that in mind, and respecting the individuals who have kept that site running as long as we've been running, I'd ask people to take the high road and just not say anything.
  9. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/937163/Vertfest_Is_Coming_to_Alpental#Post937163
  10. jon


  11. I'm so FUCKING ANGRY Obama didn't put a camera on the new iPad.
  12. This bike is probably out of your range but it's probably the best commuter bike around. It's made by former cc.com poster Col. Von Spanker. Road bike geometry, disc brakes, mt. bike hub spacing, great fender clearance. http://www.baronbicycles.com/
  13. jon

    Display Upgrades

    Wow, do people really not like the white and grey?
  14. jon

    Display Upgrades

    There is a possibility I overwrote the template by accident. Check out the tuftlove template and tell me if that is the same one.
  15. I've been tested by all the methods and IMO the scales work fine, just track the numbers in excel use the moving average. I actually picked one up at Costco for $28 this weekend.
  16. The camera is nice because it can take a beating. I have a hard time getting pictures I like with this though under harder light conditions. The shutter lag is fucking terrible. The flash is unpredictable. It's great for the beach, but when your hands are freezing the lag will make you want to put pick through it. Before this one I had a Nikon S210 which I got at Costco for $100 and it was awesome. Great pictures in all light with no shutter lag. Not the most durable though and broke with pretty small drop.
  17. Has anyone contacted this person for pictures or compared it to the list posted by Redpoint?
  18. jon


    My assumption was that it was based on the fact that the Advantage/Edge Card work at both areas. Stevens isn't listed on the Intrawest website. It really doesn't matter, they aren't going to close the areas.
  19. jon


    Intrawest has owned Stevens for a number of years now.
  20. jon


    ALL UR OLYMPIX R BELONG TO US! http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/sports/2010845385_apolywhistlerskiresortassetsseized.html
  21. Thanks for reminding me how nice it was without you around here acting like a fucking fuckwad prick all the time. Because things are oh so pleasant when Peter Puget acts like a fuckwad prick? PP has had the same doucheing trolling schtick for as long as Spray's been around. Let us know when you and Tvash are done going through menopause.
  22. Tvash I enjoy your trip reports and photography. I don't enjoy your vitriol.
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