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Everything posted by jon

  1. Oh one other thing. We had some great TRs in May, a few FAs, a few FDs, so I've chosen a random TR winner. Congrats to ClimbAndSki. PM me and I'll get you hooked up with a prize. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1069252
  2. It's about time we had a trip report giveaway, hey? For June we'll be doing at least one prize chosen randomly. Winner will get to pick from a prize from one of the following awesome local companies: Seattle Bouldering Project - an adult 10 punch pass ( $130 value!) NWAlpine - several pieces to choose from! Pro Mountain Sports - gift certificate good for awesome Nelson approved gear Rules? Pretty simple. - TR needs at least 2 cc.com hosted pictures. - Needs to have a fair amount of writing that provides sufficient beta. - Links to blogs etc do not count. - Trips don't have to be from June, they can be from any point in time.
  4. Good call Gene. I guess it's also National Hamburger Day. Not sure who is responsible for that.
  5. We were actually contacted by the Times for photos for this article, but at the time I didn't know what the article was, just that they needed a picture of Sloan. We all know who I told them to contact
  6. I just wanted to give these guys a shout out. http://allwheeldriveauto.com/ These guys are the highest rated Subaru mechanic in the Seattle area and there is a reason why; top rate mechanics and very very honest. At my 100k they showed me my timing belt, tensioner, and water pump after they replaced them to show me the wear. I had to have my engine and turbo replaced in December after a catastrophic failure and they really went out of their way to make sure the car was working and I was happy, including replacing some parts for free with ones sitting around in the shop. It's worth a couple hour drive to have these guys service your Sub and far cheaper then going anywhere else. They will not jerk you around.
  7. jon

    locked down spray

    I actually told the designer when we started a few months ago to design for the user and we'd place ads and social actions where they work, instead of the other way around which is way too common. Opps did I just say that.
  8. Costco in Kirkland has a pretty good deal on a box of Mountain House Meals, 10 2 persons for $43. Not sure if the other stores have them.
  9. jon

    locked down spray

    Nobody is being protected. Everything happens for a reason.
  10. Their IPO price was 105 P/E. Apple is trading at an astonishingly low 13.77. Why would anyone want to be involved?
  11. That sucks. Canadians are spending a measurable $2 Billion a year in the US. I say measurable because a lot of spending is not recorded either because the person lied or the agent didn't put it in the system. On June 1st, the 48 hour limit for people bringing goods into Canada raises from $400 to $800. The 24 hour limit is now $200, but most know this is never enforced even for day trips. This is obviously going to be a huge windfall for the WA economy, especially up in Bellingham. All that said, be prepared for massive border waits if you travel up to Squamish this summer!
  12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7111005509913775935
  13. I haven't been following it, but quite frankly with the little I've read minx, they should be pissed. The UW in 1995 was a little under $1000/quarter. I believe it is now over $3500. How much have wages gone up? I think college grads are probably making less now, if they can find a job, then they could in 1999, but are being saddled with 3x as much debt, if not more. Europe obviously isn't being a model society at the moment, but unless I'm mistaken university is free there meaning anyone can attend if they are willing to work hard enough.
  14. We still have a stack of LtT stickers. Are these collectors editions now?
  15. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/23/us-facebook-shortsellers-idUSBRE84M1B220120523
  16. He shredded the shit out of that line!
  17. jon


    But you're terrible at it. I hope you are better at guitar hero.
  18. I take anything written by Paul with a grain of salt but he makes some good points. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-facebook-could-destroy-the-us-economy-2012-05-22
  19. jon


    It's ok Kev they bash us all the time. And you are seriously complaining about who you can and can't bash on here? What a crying shame!
  20. You are right, it is. But people don't go onto FB to buy stuff, they email their friends (gmail) and google research it. They go on FB to screw around and see what friends are doing. They are banking on the spontaneous purchaser market, which IMO isn't very big(need data on this). People right now are paying for impressions not clicks and conversions, they are paying for what they believe works when most don't have any evidence to confirm it does.
  21. :laf: I'm bearish on FB for these reasons. It will come out it was funded by the CIA private venture firm. Not sure people are going to "like" that. Someone is going to hack them in a major way, and the privacy concerns will be their undoing. They are target #1. People are eventually going to revolt when they realize how much information an app developer or API user has access to. For instance, with your permission, I can get a list of all of your friends on FB via their API. How many people blindly click the "allow" button not realizing what they are giving away. I think this is a big one and my professional opinion vs a conspiracy theory. People are throwing money into FB ads with little understanding on how to measure ROI or develop real KPIs. Most businesses are doing this in blind faith and as the analytics services industry become more popular and easier to use people will start seeing advertising $ > conversion $ and put their money in better marketing investments.
  22. kind of like cc.com-except this consists mostly of douchebags. Bob, that was your 2,666 post. Great timing. I've got cc.com t-shirt to the first person who can resurrect one of the hundreds of "last one out turn the lights/server off" threads. I'm using all of cc.coms funds to short facebook. Hope it works out like SRS did.
  23. jon

    Lose $2B - get a raise!

    I will blame Obama for one major thing in that they did not do a good enough job making sure these banks who were rescued by the government, and still are borrowing money from the government for basically free (ZIRP), that they use that money to make loans to the American taxpayers instead of continuing to gamble with it. I think it's clear there really wasn't much of a choice to rescue/capatilize/whatever the banks at the time, but having so few strings attached really was in the poor interest of everyone. The banks know they have years and years worth of zero interest money to play with so I won't be surprised to see more of this.
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