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Ben Beckerich

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Everything posted by Ben Beckerich

  1. Howdy When's the road usually melt out up to Whitewater traihead? If one had lifted 4x4 ability, could one make it all the way up now? Thanks -Ben
  2. This isn't sold yet? Would you mind shooting a pic to benjaminbeckerich@gmail.com? I got noob and/or broke friends always looking for righteous deals on essential gear... I'm sure I can find a home for it.
  3. Howdy Actually ended up bailing on that climb, and still do need some pins... so BUMP! Looking for (ish): Lost Arrows No. 1-4 Knife Blades/Bugz Angles 1-4 Thanks -Ben 503-327-4244 benjaminbeckerich@gmail.com
  4. Ben Beckerich

    1% WTF

    At no point during the article did I "WTF." In fact, I was a little bored. This is also a low-security event of a barely "secret" society. A roast among friends, indeed.. But there ARE secret societies among the ultra-wealthy elite, and no reporter is getting in to any of those events, and if he did, and was outed, would not be getting asked to leave. Let there be no doubt.
  5. Lenin? OMGosh... that is potentially offensive. I would support the re-casting idea. What a fantastic opportunity to turn a symbol of evil into a symbol of good? Symbolic symbols are the best kind of symbolism. It should be recast into a relevant, contemory symbol of our progress as a race and culture. It should be recast into a statue of two dudes making out. Hands up shirts, legs wrapped up, beards mingling in passion.
  6. We rolled by and saw someone just under the top on the left side at about 9am? Maybe 9:30? Couldn't see a rope above or below, but I was driving and trying to at least acknowledge the icy road from time to time. Illusion or solo?? Was major stoke to see the first climber of the day, though. We hit Mist Falls right after and had a couple other parties show up before I was halfway up pitch uno. Solidly WI3 line just right-of-center... lots of good stances between lots of spooky bulges- was fun. Well protected alcove, we only got hit with a couple strong gusts, but we also GTFO before the storm hit full blast. Back to Portland by 1! Damn shame we only get this stuff a time or two a year, if that.
  7. Cornices... good avi report kryponite Raising a glass to a life lived well. Climbing the big one in the sky, now.. Rest in Peace
  8. Weird how routes that rarely get climbed always seem to see multiple ascents on the same day. I guess everyone is doing the same homework and waiting for the same condition windows, most times
  9. Nick's a good guy. I'd be climbing with him this weekend if I didn't have all my kids!
  10. It's cause all the routes on Hood are gullies... and we know how and why gullies exist. Damn volcanoes
  11. New as of year before last, if I remember right. You can still chill in the front area and use the bathroom (steal TP, basically)... I think there's even a loft or deck thing that's accessible from the front. Can't remember if I've been up there or if it's enclosed at all, but you can certainly find a spot out of the wind.
  12. I've met great people here too. Never said you couldn't. I also never said the OP wouldn't. All I did was suggest offering some thanks. Small investment, for having someone teach you something. Hell, I gotta fork out $25/hr for a math tutor... Seems to me climbing is worth a hell of a lot more than fappin' algebra. I'd LOVE to trade some quality IPA or Afghan for math lessons. But if a cool guy wants to do it for karma, that's even better. I think we all have a serious case of nothing better to do, this week. Have fun out there OP. /me
  13. Actually quite a few people PMed me on how and who to contact regarding my quest to find someone to teach me the skills I am looking for. I'm glad. Does that refute my statement?
  14. I've been hammered pretty good, coming up Reid. I've been right in the middle of one of the steps in pretty steep/thin conditions, and had to duck my head in and hang on for dear life while getting beat on by avalanche for what felt like eternity. The positive is that once shit builds up over your pack and helmet, the chunks don't hurt nearly as much when they hit you.. the downside is that you have to stay there in that stance with all that weight on your calves until it's done, or risk getting stripped off. All in all a FANTASTIC route, when it's in good condition... but it can be a sonuvabitch when it's shedding.
  15. Oh I'm a "damn fool" for suggesting the guy offer some beer in exchange for being taught a trade, eh? When you then go on to validate my point by saying you experienced exactly what I described yourself 2 years ago? I offered my advice in the spirit of actually trying to help the dude find a mentor- and I'd have no problem saying exactly what I said if we were all sitting around camp. I didn't insult anyone, just explained that his odds would be a lot better if he came at differently. We've seen probably a hundred of these "will someone teach me trad?" posts, almost all of them get ignored entirely. But I've got more than "2 pennies" that says you wouldn't call me a "damn fool" for offering that advice, if we were all sitting around that hypothetical camp. Noting your pseudonym and the fact that you're posting from 300 miles away, also. Chump.
  16. I'm pretty sure taking a dog on a hike is legal just about everywhere, even if the hike happens to be above the treeline. And people do it often. Not saying that's a good thing- I personally hate dealing with other peoples dogs. But it doesn't strike me as negligent or stupid.
  17. I should add; I still do it, and with abandon, however. I don't know if they have the authority to actually boot me or not.
  18. I've gotten grief on the Palmer when the lift is running from those redcoat bazderds... which is extra retarded, considering the run becomes essentially BC for 7-9 months out of the year.
  19. Wow.. righteous! Glad I was good for something. Sometimes I wonder if those ever get read at all
  20. I fucking hate politics. Wake me when the sky is falling.
  21. Already own it... and read it, cover to cover on several occasions... I realize this post is a long shot. However several individuals were helpful and provided useful info on the local climbing scene and who to talk to. And to the haters, I thought I was being fairly reasonable, even being upfront and honest about what abilities I do and don't have. Hate if you must, we all have to start somewhere. Nobody is hating, bro. Just offering a perspective I think most experienced climbers are going to have about this topic... one you might not be considering. I hope you can find someone to teach you. Charity is righteous, afterall.
  22. Agree with Woodcutter. That's also how I learned (and still am). Also... not that you necessarily won't find a willing participant.... but you DO realize you're essentially looking for a free guide service, right? It's one thing if you have a trad-climbing homie who is willing to teach you the trade.. but to solicit a stranger who doesnt know you or owe you anything to take time out of their climbing and/or personal life to teach you how to trad is just plain asking for something without offering anything. You should consider offering cases of GOOD beer, an endless supply of good weed, or sexual favors.... something. Anything. Carrying the rope and driving are basically expected to begin with... that's no compensation. Just my 2 pennies.
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