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Ben Beckerich

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Everything posted by Ben Beckerich

  1. i need these to clime mount hood next summer would you take 100$
  2. I know a great guy, but he's not going to work for a bag of weed. (503) 397-5516 - Dave Reynolds, Reynolds Land Surveying
  3. Good lookin' out, Ian. Mirage for 100 sounds like a winner
  4. Howdy I've got like $75-150 to drop.... it's for work, so it doesn't need to be pretty, but it's gotta be highly breathable and still totally waterproof... so DryQ Elite/eVent, Neo, etc.. I spend 10+ hours in the rain, day after day, sometimes Small or smaller medium Not picky on color Thanks!
  5. Howdy Since the local Portland bike forum still hasn't activated my account, 6 months later, I guess I'll try here.. Anybody happen to have a junior road bike of decent quality for a good price? My budget is $150ish... I could go up to $200 if it's a super sweet ride, but I'm just not looking to spend a fortune on a bike that'll be grown out of in a year, ya feel me? Road bikes - so gears, roadish geometry, 20-24" wheels, preferably drop bar, but am open to flat/hybrid also. It's for an 8 year old, so "junior" is pretty darn junior. He's got a 22.5" inseam, so standover can't really be higher than that. Thanks! -Ben
  6. I went up last September in the hopes of colder temps than I got... was a slush fest and I bailed at the Turtle. Unless it's unseasonably cold, you're not gonna find AI3, you're gonna find 60 degree Glacier Cherry slushy without the cherry. Definitely bring your own cherry syrup.
  7. A nice thought, but impossible. Cops have self-preservation instinct and it'll override any level of training you give them. But it just so happens that their training is usually to preserve your own life at all costs first, everyone else's second. Cops aren't secret service- they aren't taking a bullet for anyone, nor are they checking their fire in the face of death.
  8. Bad luck. You could make an argument that police shouldn't be firing their weapons unless they know it's safe for everyone except the intended target, but the reality is that when it's shoot-or-die, you shoot. Regardless. RIP. At least he died rich. This is my 187th post, yaherd. PP - what difference does it make that the guy was unarmed? Would they have been justified in accidentally shooting an armed "journalist?" Fucking stupid ass article title.
  9. Just curious - what were the circumstances? IN the lake, not just chilling near it?
  10. Wow... Summitpost. That place lives yet, eh? They must be down to about 5 or 6 active members by now...
  11. So am I an expert or an idiot, Matt? The question is totally subjective, GK. All anyone can do is give you an opinion. People climb all August long and even into September. I've never climbed in August (probably 7 or 8 times) and been alone. I've never been hit by rock in August, never seen anyone else hit in August, and I'm not aware of any rockfall tragedies in August. It's a shitty time of year to climb for a lot of reasons, and it's just sub-par for a first climb. If you have an itch that must be scratched, climb it. Know that if you catch a groundball to the face at 80mph, it's not going to be pretty. If that's an acceptable risk to you, climb on. I think that's the best anyone can do for you.
  12. I've never heard of anyone doing Pearly Gates this time of year. It melts out fast, and every time I've been up in August it's been nothing more than 40-50 degree crumbling unclimbable shit. Old Chute generally melts out for a couple hundred feet at the top, but it's all boulders and bowling balls that don't roll around too bad under foot. Although I have seen some pretty big rock features go from the crater rim- if you're under that shit when it decides to fall, you don't have a lot of hope.
  13. You go on blaming those "conservatives" for this horrible problem, though..... LOL
  14. Speaking as a politically apathetic, non-partisan person who doesn't watch the news in any capacity or care what's going on in the world... What's the relevancy? What does it matter what position we are among all the other fat, rich, safe, liberal, comfortable countries in the world? Our most impoverished are living the lap of luxury compared 90% of the non-west. We aren't the best at being privileged, spoiled, lazy, non-producing exploiters... OH NOEZ
  15. I hadn't climbed for a year. Not alpine, anyway. I rode my bike all through the winter, started training to race this summer.. threw some climbing (bike "climbing") in, some crit and track training (just started track- sweet way to spend a Friday night). Point being..... I did a Hood slog in prep for a Rainier climb this week, and couldn't believe how strong I was. I think it might have actually been the single easiest hike up the south side of Hood I've ever done, and I've got something like 30, 35+ summits on that mountain. WTF? Not what I was expecting. Apparently the bike is GREAT for slog conditioning. Technical climbing... not so much. But the hang board and slung pullup bar help with that. That is all.
  16. I think I would tend to be sort of indignant if my climbing partner asked me to split the cost of a stuck/dropped/lost cam with him, if I wasn't directly to blame for it. BUT.... since it was his, and it was getting us BOTH up the route, it makes a lot of sense that everyone should be willing to fork over to recover losses incurred for everyone's benefit. Glad this question came up! Better to have a position ahead of time. I doubt I would ever ask someone to split a cam cost with me... unless they just plain blatantly lost/dropped it or got it stuck in some irresponsible manner. I think I'd probably wait for an offer to pay for it or at least split the cost. If I dropped/lost/irresponsibly got someone's cam stuck, I'd just buy 'em a new one. Who WOULDN'T make the offer?? $60 is a lot for a little piece of springy metal, yea, but not when we're talking about making something right, especially for a good friend/partner. Even if I was broke (which happens- I ain't rich), I'd still come up with $60 to take responsibility for myself.
  17. Observe any real rockfall on the north ridge? I've read that can be pretty dodgy... perhaps there's enough snow still? Am looking at heading up this comign Tuesday/Wednesday.. looks like its probably still gonna have a decent winter coat, even after all this sun
  18. I don't ad-stomp as a rule... but these are like $50 crampons. They don't even have plates. You can get the current generation (several newer than these old ones) for $150, and even less if you wait two days for a sale. I'm super amused that Nordstrom sold crampons at some point, though. So gay.
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