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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Wiley X is on Promotive if you're a member. So is 7eye and Addidas.
  2. I grow most of my own vegetables and fertilize them with the compost from garden waste. I also use organic nitrogen fertilizer that is made locally. I notice almost no change in my water bill. This year I picked nearly 100 ears of corn, fresh lettuce and spinach for 7 months, 12 months worth of green beans, dozens of Jalapenos, dozens of Bell peppers, and 6 100 pound pumpkins (the kids wanted the giant breed for Halloween, normally we grow Cinderellas). Store bought produce flat sucks compared to my fresh home grown veggies. Plus I find gardening relaxing.
  3. Anything made by man can fail and a sample size of one shouldn't cause alarm. That looks like a defective casting and since I haven't seen a rash of complaints I chock it up to bad luck, have it warrantied, and drive on.
  4. I'm going through the same thing although my Map60 still works (albeit poorly). I've tried the phone option but their biggest weak point is battery life and durability. My Map60 gets terrible reception and the internal memory is too small to hold maps for the entire state.
  5. Democrats have a patent on climate change. It all started when the Republicans ended the ice age without including Democrat earmarks.
  6. WTF is right. As the democrats have owned the house, senate and Presidency since the last election that brought us all the hope and change....it brings the question to the forefront. How have the 1 and and a half teabggers actually in congress, who's main agenda of reduced government, deficit reduction and actually spending less has been trampled into the mud like a gopher trying to halt a cattle stampede in the democrats rush to stimulate themselves, gotten to steer the truck while surrounded by all of these brilliant, anti-climate change, Democrats? Hmmm. Hope and change baby hope and change! Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.
  7. Hot off the press: [video:youtube]
  8. Nitrox

    caption please

    Prole Topping from the bottom.
  9. The man keeping the Quatro Crazy out of your hood? Make your own!
  10. They fail to acknowledge that all the blackingout was a result of trying to drink large quantities. College kids have been doing this kind of thing for generations. In the end the hysteria and attention is going to boost sales of the product they're trying to ban.
  11. Life is too short to get worked up over the internet.
  12. so, after seeing the verbal smackdown of your nefarious interlocutor, what revisions, if any, do you have for the above? Did you just ask Dane to resubmit his assignment for credit on the missed problems?
  13. I think you're reading my post wrong. I bought a Transcendent sweater simply to try, not because I needed it. I doubt its as warm as a MHW Compressor, which is 60gr of Primaloft Eco. The Transcendent is not even close to the warmth of 100gr of Primaloft One, nor do I think that is the goal. I'm well aware of FA and what they are making. You've mentioned them several times and how much warmer their products are. While you may be right that may not be the point. I've got a bunch of down jackets, all of which are warmer than the Transcendent Sweater. Also, I try not to get too wrapped up in the minutia of numbers. Sometimes numbers don't tell the entire story.
  14. I received the Transcendent down seater. I haven't put it to use but my initial impression is that it is not going to be as warm or warmer than any of the synthetic jackets mentioned, especially those in the 100gr range. I bought a medium so it could be warn as a sweater under layers while the rest of my insulated jackets are sized Large. I'm not really sure how I feel about the sweater, if I'll actually use it or not. At this point I'm inclined to continue with my MHW Compressor or possible a Pata Nano jacket.
  15. What could be more innovative than electric heated gloves?
  16. Elections have consequences?
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