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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Nitrox

    "That's so gay"

    Some people just have to be offended.
  2. Why are you concerned about your safety in Everett?? Cause they be straight thuggin' in E-Town, B.
  3. All poor choices, Rob. But I'm impressed nonetheless. Everybody has their favorites, but I'm not sure how anybody could call a gun like the G29 in 10mm a "poor choice" for self-defense. The 10 is an excellent cartridge (just ask Ted Nugent!) and the G29 offers an accurate, concealable, controllable and powerful package. Just a guess but I assume FW means they are a poor choice within the context of a cartridge for a first time shooter.
  4. Most officers shoot like dogshit because they aren't gun people and outside basic marksmanship PD's don't emphasize training. My ex-BIL was a trainer at a large Metro department and the stories I heard were pretty sad. I shot with him a few times and every time I was amazed he was a trainer, he didn't shoot very well either. Fun story time: I went to the Swanson training center for a little range time and watched a local department doing the indoor scenario training with SIMS. One of the female officers shot herself in the face. DERP! Ayoob style.
  5. Wheelie guns have their place but they aren't any more reliable than most automatics (and a case can be made that new wheelies are made with trashy MIM parts). I carry a J-frame sometimes but it's largely dependent on what I'm wearing. If I can help it I carry a large frame auto. Most people are situationally blind and won't notice even an open carried pistol.
  6. Disagree, its more clear now than ever before. This is what it would look like if Prole really wanted information on a new handgun: Recommend a new handgun
  7. Dane's advice is wasted on a troll thread and retards who think guns should be illegal.
  8. What, is 911 not good enough for you?
  9. REI has special staff that travels from store to store infiltrating the hourly retail employee ranks in order to fire those not corporate enough? Ummmmmm, yeeeeaaaahhhhh...
  10. Nitrox

    What a rush!

    Canada sure is on a roll crashing their CF18's.
  11. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    Or maybe you heard what you wanted because the name sticks after all the time you spent glued to a television watching Walter Cronkite. Whats clear is that your total understanding of the military is limited to recollections of second hand conversations.
  12. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    The M60 is no longer in service, it was replaced almost 15 years ago. You know, he could have been talking about the M60 machine gun, which is still in service... The M60 is in use about as much as the M14, which is to say in very limited numbers. It was replaced as a GPMG with the M240 and as a SAW with the M249. The M60 started getting phased out starting in the late '80's. Line units no longer use the M60 and haven't for a very long time (at least 15 years). Hold out Coastie and Navy reserve units probably still have M60's in inventory as well as the E3 variants with SEAL teams. The only way Pat is going to get a Homosexual on an M60 next to him (assuming he wasn't a bologna titted, over the hill, pussy) would be if he were on a boat with reservists in which case it wouldn't be the life or death situation his test-of-fail implied.
  13. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    I was there, DADT was a joke among most soldiers. Most were against DADT because of how absurd it was to allow someone to serve but not allow them to admit they were gay.
  14. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    I spoke to my friend's son recently, who was on leave with the Navy. It was interesting to get his view of things. He spend the last year on ships with hundreds of Marines in the Gulf. His take was that basically nobody cares except the politicians and the upper brass who need to be politically sensitive. The guys on the ships have had it figured out for decades. The saying is "Queer on the pier but no one is gay when we're underway" - which of course they all just laugh at. And the marines were lining up to go see "Tina" - a Navy guy who loved to sing Tina Turner songs, as he had a side business keeping the troops in good morale. As always in regard to social change, Congress was behind the curve in public opinion and saw the changes coming. "Hey, soldier, would you rather have a) a gay person or b) no person on that M60?" Even the most strident gaytred fails this quiz. The M60 is no longer in service, it was replaced almost 15 years ago.
  15. Its a sloppy fix for tools that aren't yet damaged\failed. I think the pommel can be bedded to take out all play and still have full adjustment. It just takes a little clay and some patience.
  16. Its the means Frontpoint and Guide Jacket. Womens too I think.
  17. I read it, but perhaps you'd like apologize for your thuggish behavior? Did you miss the date on that piece, Trotsky? Or the temperature in the upper right hand corner?
  18. 50% off select outer wear on FA's site today only. You can use codes in addition to the discount.
  19. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    Prior to DADT homosexuals were barred from military service. Interestingly, Republicans wrote DADT and Clinton signed it into law. However, in 1993 Democrats had a majority in the house and senate. Its fun to watch each side (Democrats and Republicans) blame the other for DADT when it's viewed negatively but take credit when discussing how DADT allowed gays to actually serve.
  20. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    um...no? nice "fuzzy math" though. who cares anyhow? water under the bridge - it's done and we can move on to arguing about hte next stupid issue. No fuzzy math about it, in the 17 years that DADT has been in affect more than half has been during Democrat administration and a two year super majority. A democrat administration signed DADT into law. Democrats are as much responsible for DADT as Republicans.
  21. "Reasonable restrictions" on speech, right j_b?
  22. Nitrox

    Repeal of DADT

    There is/was a Democrat super majority in the house and senate, Democrats don't need the Republicans to repeal DADT. There are just as many Democrats blocking DADT as Republicans. And, lets not forget that it was Democrat administration that passed DADT.
  23. Umm, you realize watching TV is a choice don't you?
  24. Strange, I don't have cable/satellite TV and my kids don't bum TV and internet from my neighbors. I wonder if that's why my three year old can read? Nah, can't be. We get zero TV commercials and its free.
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