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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    Who knows since there's no gun registry to provide the data
  2. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    I really doubt that it would prevent anything illegal. All it would do is prevent you from selling me a gun without me having a background check. bad guys are going to get guns one way or the other. The only time a background check isn't done is when someone does a face to face purchase. I've bought guns in CA, WA, VA and in GA some at shops and some at gun shows, and have had to do a NICS check each and every time. Apparently its a real handicap to law enforcement efforts ability to trace guns used in crimes back to the source; or to determine if a gun is being illegally possessed. I'm no expert but it seems we'd want to give ATF and whomeever else as many tools as possible. If I had a machine gun though it would definitly be a Tommy gun. Great way to kill nazis.
  3. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    Don't forget no federal gun ownership registry. The gun lobby (NRA) has stoked the Kevbone-esque conspiracy fire on that one.
  4. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    However, I do know that when the zombie apocolypse comes, I'll be packin.
  5. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    I don't begrudge those who advocate for gun rights. I own a few guns myself and access to guns withough much regulation to speak of is a privilege Americans have enjoyed for some time. I think the vast majority of gun and assault weapon owners are law-abiding good people. Its unfortunate they have to possibly endure giving up their privelege because of the actions of the few bad apples. That said, as a society I think we need to decide whether we want to regulate more in exchange for fewer massacres and gun violence.
  6. OR stuff seems to fit me well - I'm slim with long arms and legs.
  7. Bad ass, Dan. Can't wait to get out with ya.
  8. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    And we should be able to buy biological and chemical weapons and nukes at Wal-Mart. Got to keep the guvment in check.
  9. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    Private Pyle, you had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!
  10. Did anyone find a blue touque at Dog Dome? I think I left it up there.
  11. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    Cause that would be a huge deciding factor in whether I'd be a minion or not. That and the benefits package.
  12. Pete_H

    Gun Control

    Do all minions get a gun, or do they have to share?
  13. Pete_H


    Wonder how long before Lance has his own reality tv show? He's gotta make some coin somehow.
  14. infinitely inferior to index, weather permitting Vantage is fine in February and has lots of good climbing when granite is not available and the alternative is Young and the Restless on TV). You might want to wait for the inversion to move on, unless you like climbing in 30 degree ice fog.
  15. At any rate, nice job on the climb. Its always difficult and scary to commit to something like that which holds so much uncertainty.
  16. Also, since we're arguing technicalities, Slipstream may be considered an alpine climb (it is, after all, in Eastman's Select book and is on the side of a big peak) but it is a water ice climb, it just originates from a serac. Its not really mixed and mountaineeringy like N Ridge Stuart in winter.
  17. I think there's a lot of continuous waterfall ice climbs in the Ghost that are at least 400 m and probably a lot on the Parkway. Its probably accurate to say your climb is one of the longest continuous in the lower 48. Also, if you want to be technical, is the Goat's Beard truly a waterfall ice climb since its formed from snow melt?
  18. BTW, Fuh-Q ice climbers. We want pow.
  19. There's a lot bigger shit in Canada and Alaska. Slipstream, for example, is 900 m.
  20. Fair enough. But while my prose may frequently be in bad taste and unintelligent at best, at least I use sentences and have somewhat of a grasp of standard grammar. And I would think a reasonable person would be able to understand it; and perhaps even chuckle every now and then if they enjoy a good sheep fucking joke.
  21. Cool trip. Thanks for the report and photos.
  22. Perhaps you should give up your aspirations as most of your posts sound like they're written by an autistic 12 y/o high on crack.
  23. Maybe you shouldn't try to sneak out without paying next time.
  24. You don't say. Not that I'd expect a keener sense of observation from a Bozemanite.
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