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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Yeah supertaco is filled with those weirdy californians.
  2. Pete_H

    Black Sabbath

    Tom Petty doesn't suck hard enough for Kev to like him.
  3. I've had really good luck with Cascade Cobbler in Winthrop. They had a couple issues with with turnaround time when the new owner took over but apparently now quality and turnaround is really good. The one pair of shoes he did for me was done very well and its good to support a small business in the Methow. Reminds me, I've got a pair I need to send him.
  4. Looks like an awesome trip. We were in Costa Blanca in March and are stoked to go back again to check out some other areas. I've only heard good things about Mallorca.
  5. Pete_H

    teens climbing

    That was a dude. He just looked good to you after you were on the wall for 5 days.
  6. Pete_H

    teens climbing

    Its Ron Kauk. Ron Kawk is a porn star.
  7. Pete_H

    teens climbing

    That's misleading. Aid climbers get laid so infrequently that gay men actually have more children than big wall climbers.
  8. Very cool. Definitely qualifies as an exotic climbing destination. Hope you ordered the "Game Knuckle."
  9. 5.10 / 5.11. Crag or multi-pitch. Face or cracks. Fun for everyone.
  10. Probably a Canadian
  11. Or if it lasts long enough that it gets back in style, thats a good brand. I've been pretty stoked on OR stuff recently. Pretty reasonable price, I like the fit (slim), and durability seems good so far. And they sponsor a lot of local athletes.
  12. Cause Arcteryx jackets cost like 500 bucks.
  13. And the Danes and other scandinoovians pillaged the shit out of all the other Euros anyway.
  14. Pete_H

    Trip Reports

    No. You're dumb as a post, because, well, you're dumb as a post.
  15. Pete_H

    Trip Reports

    Nothing wrong with being dumb, and you have to give some respect to obstinance. But being dumb and obstinate is a bad combination.
  16. Pete_H

    Trip Reports

  17. Pete_H

    Trip Reports

    Pretty much involves people laughing at how dumb you are. Not sure I'd be bragging about that.
  18. Pete_H

    Trip Reports

    It sure makes sense now why you are so boorishly dumb; cause you don't read books without lots of pictures. Or, more likely, you you don't even read books with lots of pictures.
  19. Maybe its time to deliver the autopsy for putting the predicate at the beginning of the sentence. Also, don't you know it always rains everywhere on Memorial Day weekend.
  20. You live an interesting life Ken Ford!
  21. Well, duh?
  22. Yup its the fault of all those rich assholes who don't pay taxes and don't need roads because they fly everywhere in their diamond-encrusted heli-choppers.
  23. Pumpline and Air Roof on Careno; Pearly Gates has a couple lines with 5.11ish starts; The Nose / MF Overhang, etc on Castle; a few lines like ROTC on Midnight - but maybe that's closed for nesting. Sol probably has some better ideas.
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