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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. I hope that was not a part of your mushroom omelette. Looks like not otherwise this TR would not be in here. Did you find any Boletus edulis in the Olympics? What a sweet trip !
  2. "To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation." (Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist)
  3. I thought I asked about the slowest, NOT previous, known time, gorgeous!
  4. Thanks for digging up the details. Sorry to hear that.
  5. YocumRidge

    fear me

    Now, Porter, with the stem cell policy reversed by Obama, I can do wonders ... I like your avatar pic for starters.
  6. Nice but I am just their customer.
  7. Did they ski down on any part of the route?
  8. And what is the slowest known time for the three Sisters? Just trying to figure out where I stand.
  9. Amazing pics and surreal feeling like going back in time to an older civilization but on the same mountain. Pic #32: did they have some sort of accident?
  10. YocumRidge


    Oh yes, you will annihiliate any entity, grandpa, including yourself, in no time at all. Just lets get more bombs in.
  11. Whoever knows Alex Baker (PDX), please, pass this message. The Jetboil stove that he left at Smith Rock Detour is available for pick up at Climb Max Mountaineering shop. Thanks.
  12. Does she know how to climb?
  13. Is today Friday, right? So, watch this video. The escape is close at hand. "ESCAPE" - Kruder & Dorfmeister remix of the Depeche Mode' "Useless". [video:youtube]UfSerdQaN3w
  14. No, Porter, there is no question here for anyone with an IQ above room temperature, so stick with your silk boxers.
  15. Right on. ARCHAEOPTERYX: a mutation by deletion with the subsequent gene recruitment.
  16. YocumRidge


    Speaking of awards, here's my nomination for the 2009 Darwin Award. ("The Awards honor people who ensure the long-term survival of the human race by removing themselves from the gene pool in a sublimely idiotic fashion.") Sad for the kids, though! http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/10/08/gun.soccer.mom.dead/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
  17. YocumRidge


    Remember, Jimmy Carter won the Nobel after decades of community service, fighting horrible diseases in Africa AND actually achieving piece between Israel and Egypt in 1979 (30 years still standing!). The difference is that Carter followed Ford (who signed the Helsinki Declaration on Human Rights) while Obama follows Bush (who is an idiot). It all depends on the starting point, I guess. Anyway, congratulations, Mr. President, now lets get something really done!
  18. Although Microraptor gui and Cryptovolans were known for a while now to be "better" birds in the evolutionary emergence, "Archie" was not a bad attempt at "birdness" after all, but not necessarily in a linear fashion. Still, the article is another excuse for creationists to get pissed with any paleontological evidence re: "transitional forms" or a lack thereof, just because "evolutionary science is a lie; it is irrelevant; it challenges evolution and it also proves Intelligent Design". But then again, if ignorance is bliss then they must be perpetually orgasmic.
  19. YocumRidge

    CC.com Turns 9

  20. Eat one of those... A true sign of the Apocalypse. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/07/shep-smith-outraged-by-ba_n_313304.html
  21. This is why you just solo it Something like they do. [video:youtube]v1gYBeWnbJU
  22. Follow the Hitler's example: start digging a bunker.
  23. Not to miss out on a special edition collectors item. "Chia® Obama is a Special Edition chia pet honoring our 44th US President, Barack Obama. The package includes a convenient Drip Tray, Chia Obama Handmade Planter and a Chia Seed Packet For 3 Plantings. It's easy to do and fun to grow. It takes only 1-2 weeks! Get yours for only $19.99 Now." https://www.chiaobama.com/flare/next Now, how about Chia Alan Greenspan or Chia Paul Wolfowitz, anyone?
  24. Help me out re: a lead fall on this one. Do you die instantly or you suffer first?
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