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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. YocumRidge


  2. PM sent.
  3. Well, excusez-moi, Monsieur Cosmique, je suis protoplasmique, qu'est-ce que c'est? [video:youtube]AOZmd4Hz87I
  4. Ashley Beedle remix of "Lotus Eaters" [video:youtube]CxgifLls4Nk
  5. Coleman is now in good shape for the real deal.
  6. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    Is there a way of downloading files directly from the iPhoto?
  7. Napali Coastline, Kauai?
  8. YocumRidge


    Manwich, eh? Bon Appetit, Porter. It is french. [video:youtube]Bbs39FjSy80
  9. Oh, really? UNLESS you have not noticed, other than reversing Bush' stem cell policy, we are still in Dubya's Dark Ages! All the wars are fine and doing well, thank-you-very-much, there is no health care reform ... need I go on? What is 8 months to rectify the B's leftovers?
  10. Are you saying you prefer $1000 per gallon?
  11. If congress wants to know where those $400 went (and continue to go!), all they have to do is to check in the pockets of the private "contractors" that Dicky, Rummy, Wolfey, Bushy and Co. hired to provide logistical support for the wars. Even Wall Street have not come up with a better way to siphon public tax $$ into private pockets! http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/63407-400gallon-gas-another-cost-of-war-in-afghanistan-
  12. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    Whatever you say, Porter.
  13. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    Cool. Got it! Except, in my version of OS10, I have to select "Copy Image Location" or go via "Image Properties".
  14. Thanks Rob. I hope Manure Pile Buttress is still there. I liked your TR on ST!
  15. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    Also that w/out spaces before and after
  16. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    Here is the link to the image I am talking about: Now, or or or
  17. YocumRidge

    Reporting Bugs

    I am having trouble inserting images directly off the websites. The only way to circumvent this is downloading them into my CC member gallery which is becoming a hassle. ......jpg does not do anything for me. The link is still there or there is a blank. I am a Mac user and wonder if this is a compatibility issue. Any thoughts?
  18. What is beer situation?
  19. As many as it needs.
  20. I used these a lot for less than 3 years and noticed rust first appearing on the points and now on the frame. I store them in the dry attic between uses so I doubt this was the primary reason of the defect. The spec sheet says the material is "Charlet Steel" - (some kind of a powdered steel alloy?) I guess the one that rusts. I tried washing the rust off and oiling but in vain, it keeps coming back. Did anyone have this problem? Would it be covered by the Petzl' 3 year warranty? thanks guys!
  21. "Does your rope need washing?" Yes, it does. 1 bar grated Ivory soap in the bathtub. Cost: 50 cents.
  22. Boletus Edulis aka Porcini. My favorite. I picked up those in the Enchantments but Mt. Adams wilderness is heavily populated with them too.
  23. "Eiger Dreams" by Jon Krakauer
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