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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. How do you call a wimp who "knows" how to climb?
  2. Thanks for posting. I always favored Eno's collaborations with Robert Fripp though. [video:youtube]9HoiZq9gFMM
  3. with Gucci tents:
  4. What does GM town stand for? Grand Morons?
  5. Hebephrenic schizophrenia ICD code F20.1, I am afraid.
  6. Looking for a carpool to the Bozeman Icefest. If you are up for climbing, it would be great too. I plan on leaving early pm Thu 12/10 and drive back Sunday 12/13 night. I have ice gear and a sports car. If you have a more suitable vehicle, that would be my preference, otherwise the drive might be "interesting".
  7. I doubt there are any but the never ending déjà vu that keeps him awake at night: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/918720/Re_Wal_Mart_puptent#Post918720
  8. Best art rock ever @ Wembley Stadium 1978 [video:youtube]iHdAngN7zQU
  9. But some of them have beautiful cathedral windows and skylights and can be used in paradise.
  10. i don't think anyone was arguing, dickhead. why don't you take your "humor" into a private message forum with porter? there you can joke about minorities, women, the developmentally disabled, etc etc to your heart's content, without exposing others to your poor taste. Is Porter in the poor taste Special Olympics team?
  11. Advice needed from the BC experts... I am looking for skins for my telemark skis. Nylon vs Mohair? What would be your preference and why? How would you customize them to fit your skis? Thanks.
  12. How old are the BD skins? PM sent.
  13. I adore my Stephenson's Warmlite -60F to +60F winter bag/summer bag/overbag/bivy/down air mattress/VB liner/BED (all in one at 25-67 ounces)
  14. Au contraire mon frère, I do not recall that contest but I do remember Fred sitting alone with no food or drinks...Old Fred was looking a bit randy though...
  15. Second Ascent had modular ones for like $20 the last weekend.
  16. Didn't you PM me back in July re: my Petzl Aztarex?
  17. Or somewhere cold for ice climbing, like Hyalite. What tools did you end up getting, Water?
  18. My first time at the Sausagefest. Thanks to the organizers and slide presenters for the good times. Wunderbar! And I love my new helmet. It was so sweet of Fred Beckey to graciously invite us to spend the night at his house and so we did. Only got back to PDX this morning!
  19. Another military advice - Indulging in motivation? Good luck with that on Rainier.
  20. Thanks! The goats won the summit race and were laughing at us.
  21. I thought you stick to your 2010 walmart line after those evolution discussions. The Denali patch will make it more irresistible though.
  22. Looks like he climbs a lot!
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