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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. YocumRidge

    Flu Vaccines

    WOW! Where did you learn that? Did you go to school at all? Our high school students interns are doing better than that.
  2. YocumRidge

    Flu Vaccines

    Poliovirus and smallpox infect only humans and have no intermediate hosts, as is not the case with the flu that cross-infects birds, horses, pigs and humans as of today and then who knows. If there are no new victims to infect, viruses like polio and smallpox cannot longer survive in the environment because they are not capable of adapting to a different host. When coupled with their almost non-existing mutation potential, mass vaccination and containment were the major driving force in providing us with the life long immunity and complete eradication of the smallpox (nearly there for the polio). That is not going to happen with the Influenzavirus. Being an RNA virus, it has high mutation rate and can infect the same host over and over again because the specific antibodies produced following flu infection or vaccination ONLY prevent subsequent infection of the original non-mutated virus - one reason why flu vaccines sometimes fail. Second, RNA genome of the flu virus often recombinates with other flue types or even those from other species resulting in hybrid viruses. Again, the new flu strains appear before the adaptive immune response is formed and/or vaccines are made. FYI: The RNA retrovirus HIV (causes AIDS) has the highest mutation rates ever AND goes into the latent phase by hiding out in the resting T lymphocytes thereby completely failing an HIV vaccine as yet.
  3. Bill, what kind of harness does she have on and how does it work?
  4. [video:youtube]n0Qwya7Xpo0
  5. How many impotent males are worldwide? How many impotent males worldwide can afford the "lifestyle" drugs? How many impotent males worldwide use the "lifestyle" drugs? (it is probably free in Canada so that does not count) What are the side effects of the "lifestyle" drugs? And what is a failure rate of the "lifestyle" drugs? Better yet, why don't you start a new thread "VIAGRA" on CC and we will figure that out.
  6. Oh really? Did you look at the H1N1 vaccine stocks as of late? 30% increase in 6 days?
  7. Pharmaceutical companies, genius, work for profit and on demand or else they gonna loose big time, real fast. If H1N1 vaccine and Viagra is what you are after, then it is what they make.
  8. And hey, you forgot a french makeup for the identification deal.
  9. while we prefer our French perfume. Ménage à trois: 1. Odor Control 2. Emergency Fuel 3. Emergency Liquor
  10. Neh, I am really into this french trend:
  11. Is this the GMO are you after?
  12. Sorry to hear that Bill. You are welcome to work on my yard and I promise I will reward you with a more than 50 cents for the ice cream but unfortunately I am not a jew.
  13. Are you a Jew, Bill? Shalom.
  14. Not immunocompromised for sure.
  15. I am not a folklore type here and after having generated a few antibodies (albeit not against the Influenzavirus) and getting paid for it, I should say that the "flu" KB is referring to is most likely a flu-like illness that has nothing to do with a bona fide flu and would run negative in the flu diagnostic tests. Although not frequent, the cases of flu vaccination' side effects resulting in flu-like symptoms are described and can be caused by multiple factors I am not going to elaborate on. One thing to bear in mind though is a nasal spray flu vaccine (made with live but attenuated virus) as opposed to a conventional vaccine (killed virus) tends to cause more severe side effects and in a larger population (and CAN actually cause flu in some cases).
  16. learn some basic microbiology- what you are saying is a complete bullshit without a shred of truth. Actually, basic immunology.
  17. Right but not the flu where you are stuck in the hospital bed for a week.
  18. No. Given the symptoms and timing he described. But both seasonal and H1N1 vaccines take 2-3 weeks to kick in. Hope you daughter feels better soon, ivan.
  19. Ask Porter, he is the one evolving.
  20. But a mole rat may help in human longevity according to: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/science/27rat.html
  21. Good to know that less died from leprosy. I was getting worried.
  22. [video:youtube]yI5zpgHqt3s
  23. Or sample-based? [video:youtube]gHBW36Vkn8E&pop_ads=0
  24. But who have not they all played with?
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