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Everything posted by PhöQ

  1. Marshall Tucker is one of my faves for the genre, but I also have a soft spot for the ever unknown:
  2. sorry to be an ass...but thats hilarious to hear on this board Yeah I had a parent teacher meeting today. A couple years ago i would be grounded but now that Im a grad in my senior year my Mom says that getting bad grades in Personal Hygiene is my own choice and she can't force me to no longer be a failure at life... i better pick it up though otherwise I don't graduate and that would screw over my Alaska plans.... Apparently.
  3. (QUOTE)This weekend was the most horrific weekend of my life. It all started Saturday night: We were pumped, we just got 4 30 racks of budwiser and I had a nice bottle of Jaeger mister to kick off my night, I did around 7-8 shots and I headed home for a half an hour to "Freshen" up, aka act sober, shave, and shower for this girl I'm really diggin'. Well anyways, I get back to the party at about 8:45, down a few shots, hanging with my friends, playing some Beer Pong (Bay root for us Bostonians). Anyways, the night was fucking amazing, everyone was so fucked up, blunts and joints everywhere, about 30+ people, and everyone doing beer runs the entire night. Well around 1pm it all went bad. I'm sitting outside (Keep in mind this is around Boston, fucking cold as shit, but oh well), and this REALLY shady kid comes up shit faced drunk and was knocking shit over left and right. We kicked him out because no one really knew him, and he was acting like an asshole. Well half of the people left, the other half were crashed. And I was just outside smoking cigs talking to this girl, and the shady kid comes back, I told him he really needed to leave or there would be problems (He was trying to get into the room where all our bongs and hookahs are). The kid was still drunk, and he just asks me "Is it ok if I get a beer before I bounce? I was just sobering up in my car from the last time you kicked me out". I said Ok, and he got a beer and I sat down and kept talking to this girl. 6 Am hits, I'm still outside wide awake, but now alone, the girl went home around 5, and I was just chilling. We had 2 coolers set up, one for Bay Root, other for just drinking. Well I was still drinking the next morning (Because I'm like that), and my friend comes out: "Hey man, crazy night huh?" "Fuck yeah man, want a beer?" "Yeah (I hand him a bud), Dude, are there any Guinness or hard liquor?" "Yeah man, lets do a few shots of my Jaeger" I walk over to get my Jaeger mister out of the Bay Root cooler, well I'm not looking because I know exactly where it is, I reach in and take it out, pour a few shots, and still not looking I put it back. I walk over and hand my friend a shot, this is where the horror happened: "Dude, whats this red shit?" "What?" "Uh, it looks like blood" "huh, someone must of got a bloody nose or something" (We both get up, and look around for the blood, we find just 2 small rings of blood, and one square one, we are confused as shit, still looking. Then I open the cooler to where the shot glasses and Jaeger is) "OH MY FUCKING GOD DUDE!" "What?!" (I fall on my ass, in DEEP shock of what I just saw) "WHAT THE FUCK!?!? IAN GET OUT HERE!!!!!" (My buddy comes running out of the house, only to scream at what he saw before him. At this point 5 of us are outside, 2 are throwing up from the sight before them.) Well inside the cooler..... was a HUMAN arm. I shit you not grass city. There was a human arm inside the cooler. cut off, it looked like it was poorly removed, with like a saw halfway through, then ripped off. The ice in the cooler was all covered with blood, and the Jager was also. We didn't know what to do at all, and still don't know what to do. We took the cooler about 3 hours into New Hampshire and went down a dirt road, walked about 600 yards, and tossed it out. This was the most fucked up night of my life, but the funny thing about it all was the comment my good friend said. "Where the fuck do you find a human arm?" This made me laugh so much, despite the fucking nasty shit I saw that morning. (/QUOTE)
  4. I tweaked the exposure to allow the background to be clearer.
  5. PhöQ

    This makes me ...

    Granted this is very true and he is fortunate that his ink stroke is golden, but ultimately it is very sad that it came to that. I guess we can all thank Dubya for allowing Mr. kor to have to go againsed his values just to have heath care and food on the table.
  6. PhöQ

    This makes me ...

    Yeah... I know...if opportunity knocks...but something just dosent sit right...ahh well, I have my copy of BtV and I just appreciate it for what it is, practically a holy tome as is. I'll just pour another drink, have a and just sit down.
  7. PhöQ

    This makes me ...

    ... Seems wrong to me to take advantage of a hero to many
  8. My last climb as a single man...20 minutes before the wedding, climbing our wall in the backyard for the guests in 1991. It was the honeymoon that sucked...most of it spent at Harborview...that info is found elsewhere on this site. (note the kick ass wedding attire )
  9. I am not out of control, I am just getting in control...really
  10. Nice vid marc thanks! I went thru nearly half a box of kleenex on that one! Cheers!
  11. Link and the operetta of doom! BTW I love this inane thread, I could care less about post counts but the option to post WTF ever is phenominal
  13. Good stuff! Linky Linky (quote)YEP. FUCK YES i hear you exactly. I grew up in an upper class area... suburbs.. next town over was especially nice. All small towns and small town dickhead cops. You know, youre caught doing 10-15 over and all the sudden theres 3 cops there. So one night Im on my way back from the movies with a headlight out through this nicer town. I knew it was out, but whatever. Had NOTHING on me at all, and came to a stop sign at said town. With the brights on I still had 2 working headlights but a car was coming down the intersecting street, so out of fucking curtosy, I shut the beams off and exposed the broken light. Baaaad move slick. I instantly notice the approaching, and now passing car is a cop. So i go straight through the sign as he passes going right and I FLOOR IT, because i saw him pop a U turn and knew he would be coming up my ass soon. Sure enough, pulls me over, "your headlights out". I said well officer, they work fine with the brights on but I shut them off to try and be polite to you. Then without flinching he gets literally 5 inches from my face and says it smells funky in the car (hadnt smoked in my car in over 3 weeks, just got it out of the shop). Then he says theres marijuana crumbs ALL OVER my shirt which i told him were popcorn crumbs from the movie I just came from... which they literally were. Then he asks me to search the car, I say no just to fuck with him, in the end he searched the whole car and found absolutely nothing. Took him 45 minutes in below 0 temps to search. Before the search he asked what movie i saw and where, so i proceeded to give him a DETAILED, HIGHLY annoying summary of the movie. He gave me a warning for the light and a 10 minute speech basically saying "you were disrespectful fuck you respect me i am the law". this is why all kids and most adults hate cops (/quote)
  14. (quote)This christmas my mom and dad decided that they wanted to bring the family back together and have a nice vacation. I had recently moved out of the house and my sister was in college so the family was not together alot. Well anyways they bought 4 tickets to West Palm Beach, Florida for us. That was always a vacation spot we would go to when we were kids so i was excited about it. Everything was great when we got there, we were goin to the beach, going out for dinner to nice resturants, and pretty much i felt like we were kids again when we were there. But the other side of me started to show after christmas day. I am not proud of what i was, I was addicted to cocaine and a really big theif, I was pretty much addicted to stealing. I would go outside at around 7 or 8 when it was real dark out and spend about an 1 or 2 stealing out of cars. We were staying in one of those 50+ neighborhoods (an old people neighborhood) because my grandma lived there and she left it to my dad in her will (R.I.P). and I actually for some reason hit jackpot everytime I went out stealing. I got $620 in 1 week of stealing out of cars. But then Karma kicked in. I was stealing out of cars in this rich person neighborhood across the street and in this one car there was a bottle of about 50, 5 mg ritalin tabs. At the time I thought that i was the luckiest man alive but now i think of that as the worst thing i ever did. That night after my parents went asleep i crushed up about 20 mg of ritalin and snorted it. I felt great and then decided to take 15 mg orally and then 10 mg sublingually. I started to realize that i had taken to much because i started getting real paranoid and my heart felt like it was exploding every beat. Then the pills i took earlier kicked in, NOT GOOD!!!. I started seeing bugs and rats everywhere. When I looked at my socks on the ground i saw dead mutilated bug infested alley rats. And i kept seeing spiders and cockroaches on my skin. I then decided to purge to stop the effects. This did not work at all. When i threw up the first time I looked in the toilet and saw a ziploc bag in my vomit and a spider swimming around in my vomit. I then scared the shit out of my sister because I woke her up at like 3am asking her if she put a ziploc bag in my food or drink because i saw a ziploc bag in my vomit. Yea i freaked her out cuz she knew i was fucked up. I then purged 1 more time and saw about 5 spiders and a juicyfruit wrapper in my vomit this time. I then gave up and said hell ill just try and go to sleep. Well that was a bad bad idea because the next thing i remember is my mom, dad, and sister standing around me scared out of there minds crying and my mom shaking me saying that I had a seizure and if i took anything. I was pretty much brain dead and just sat there on the saying nothing and then the ambulence they called arrived and the next thing i remember is being in the ambulence, then being in the emergency room with a asshole male nurse. He was a complete jerk and kept getting an attitude with me. He then handed my a cup of a black muddy looking liquid that they called charcoal. I downed the first cup and it tasted like shit and then i downed the second. But this nurse didnt even give me a heads up or anything I mean he should of atleast said "hey your going to throw up alot in a couple minutes and it is going to be black". Nothing so then im having a cat scan done and i vomited all over my bed and floor. Well after spending 2 days in the hospital and 1 day in a phyciatric hospital I realized that I could of easily been dead and that i fucked up my life because i let drugs take a hold of my life and I feel like a way better person now because i dont do that stupid shit anymore because i dont want to ruin my life. P.S sorry for the long ass story i just had to get that off my back.(/quote)
  15. Cmon! Dont be afraid, have a little fun with it. Mebbe get a kevlar vest to wear underneath.
  16. PhöQ

    H8ers suck

    Not the usual goofy stoner thread I normally link from GC bad stuff thread House link
  17. I have to applaud your find here Porter, this is some brilliant stuff. I had no clue it existed up until a few moments ago! Cheers!
  18. 8D i-effed-nasty-bitch-last-week-now-i-have-bumps-my-balls
  19. Well, animals in capitivity isnt always a bad thing, typically yes but sometimes is OK depending on the care and treatment of the creature. The dolphins "appear" well kept and the fact that they are playing is a good sign. Not all captivity situation are optimal tho. I have to draw the line at Dogs. I love dogs for their innocence and for their unwavering/unconditional love for their owners. Sadly so many dogs are mistreated and I despise any part of that. This is purely personal and therefore may be viewed as biased as you pointed out. I am a dog person but respect balance and fairness for all animals. I do enjoy eating chicken.
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