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Everything posted by PhöQ

  1. I was curious if anyone could link or recommend a GOOD reference for the West Coast Trail. I have a friend that said it was an awesome trip and I would love to check it out. I see alot of reference books, does anyone have a good and concise favorite? Thanks in advance!
  2. (quote=some dude006)So I wake up in the morning and I decide I need a haircut. My mom said shell give me money to go to Mario's my local barber. But since Im impatient and high as shit i decid to give myself a haircut. at first its looking good kinda even then for some odd reason i decide to take off one of my sideburns and buzz the whole side of my head to my scalp. Alright so i got a fucked up haircut im high and i need to get my hair fixed. So i go downstairs my mom gives me a check, i have my boys car keys for some reason, so i walk to his house start up the car and drive to Marios. Go in and i say, " yo u think u can fix this shit" I was pretty embarasssed so i told them my friends did it while i was sleeping. LOL.... ight so hes like yea i can fix it, so he fixes it blah blah i give him the money, i start up my boys car and i see my little brother(riding his bike on the way to his little girlfriends house) with his bathing suit and everything.... and hes all excited n shit and i come up 2 feet behind him and scare the shit outta him... *and the funny part about this is i dont even have my license.....I drive to his girlfriends house and wait for him but he doesnt come cause hes embarassed. SO i just drive home and i see a cop, im like o shit... im driving my boys car, im high as shit, i look like a fucking KKK member with my haircut hes gonna pull me over, and i drove right in front of the cop and didnt stop at the stop sign all the way but he didnt pull me over,.....so i drive to to this place in this back neighboorhood which i had gone to earlier today... ((**(((see what makes it even wierder is i was bored as shit remember so i cut my hair, well before i cut my hair i took the key from where i hide the key, told my mom i would be right back... cause i was bored and decided to take my boys car for a joyride, just because and the place i drove was the same place i hid at when the cop saw me...... its like i went and planned it out, and then it happened)))**)).... pretty wierd.... Back to the story so im at the neighbooorhood and im chilling and the cop leaves so i roll out back to my neighboorhood and i park back where my boys car was... So i decide imma go see what hes doin and see how our plant were growing is doing. Hes already at the front door and he laughed at my haircut already cause im wearing a beater and i look like a dam skinhead my eyes are all red and shit.. So hes like lets go check mary, (mary is our marijuana plant) so we went outback and went to the pot we had it in behind his shed, and he showed me it. It was about 4 inches tall and loooking nice as shit... So i say what u doin and hes like i was actuallly going to marios to get my haircut**(( wierd**)) and then get some weed n shit. So i was like ight ill get some tree what do u want... we were gonnna get 2grams of KB for 25, but everyone was dry of nuggs or for some odd reason all my drug dealers have nextels and i always hear... Please wait while we locate your nextel subscriber.... or some bull shit like that... Anyway we call up my boy mikey d, cause he always has the best shit. but he was dry to... so we had to settle for his boys mids. He drove 15 mintues to get it, so me n my boy flemm, the same kid whose car i took... go in his basement and play some burnout 3, till mikey d calls back. i own him in some burnout 3 and i crash all types of shit... then mikey d calls back says i can get 1/8th for 25$ of mids... i was like ight its cool so we meet him at giant, we get there and hes like the bag is weak man its not worth 25(cause he had to get the weed from someone else for us, pretty much doing me a favor) and he said it was weak so hes like here just gimme 15$ for like 2.5grams... i was like iiight so we go get ready to smoke... We got this bong we made out of a captain morgan bottle, we made it into a water bong... anyway so we go to this trail we have surrounded by woods to smoke this, so we park and walk on the trail. Were walking and alls we see is this black figure far away like 1mile near this little bridge we have. And my boy is like, " is that vic yo" and im like fuck man i dunno thats far as shit, but for some reason he turned around LOL and we started running and as we were running we saw him what looked like smoking a tinny and it was... It was so wierd cause I havent seen that kid inn a mintue then out of no where we see him and hes smoking, and my boy spottted him from a mile away.. ANyway we got like 2.5 grams hes got some weed so sit down rigght on the trail and start puffin. now ((((___ vic's my boy lives right near me and flemm like were all like a few houses apart.. hes annoying sometimes and he has a raspy voice but we smoke with him anyway... and hes one of those people that dont inhale it, they just let the smoke puff up the cheeks then blow it out type of smokers((((___ So we load like a .5 some bowl and i milk the jawn up real nice for him, to see if he can handle that hit, and he couldnt even clear it the slightest bit... so im like whatever and i try to teach him how to smoke but he dont listen, personaly i think he is afraid to get high or something thats why hes not inhaling it or something i dunno... anyway me n flemm play a game... the one person milks it and the other person has to clear it no problem, every little bit of smoke, and if you cant clear it then you get skipped and i hit it twice.. So we milk it whatever, i milk it for vic he cant handle and hes out... and me flemm smoke like 1 gram or so just between me n him having no problem clearing it... just showing vic how to smoke... so vic has to go to work and me n flemm see too many people walking on the trail so we go into the woods to smoke the rest... We go in these woods I mean its hot as shit, grass isnt cut and ticks and it feels gross. but we go to smoke this one spot i know. So were smoking whatever minding our buisness, when all of a sudden i see a white truck driving on the traill... and im pretty high, and the only time cars come on the trail is if its a cop or something along those lines. So we run deeper in the woods a little bit and hide.. (((and where we parked our car we saw a mexican guy cutting the grass on one of them driving type mowers, and stop and waited for us to get out of the car then he started mowing again. WE thought that was shady)))) anyway we here a mower getting closer...and im like bugging out a little bit and im like yo maybe that lawn mower guy saw us with the bong and called the cops and thats why there on the trail.... and flemms like o shitt.... so the mower gets closer, and were like naaah, and closer and were running a little bit and we slow up cause were like no way hes following us.... listen to this we stopped and both said hes not after us, were buggin the fuck out yo, look back and there he is and were like WHAAAAAAAAATTTT yea he is and we book fucking running threw branches all types of shit... then we see that white truck start moving.... so we run out of the woods so the lawnmower can get us, and the truck is right there.... so we run into the cornfield straight ahead... which is about 12feet or so high, and right next to the cornfield is mad woods... so we run deep in the cornfield, then sneakily make a right into the woods, running threw spider webs and all types of shit, getting bit by mosquitos... so we stop and hes like there not after us and im like r u kidding me.... so we hide there for about 15mintues i smoke a cigg and get a plan...((( also forgot to mention i ran with the bong the whole time running from the lawn mower guy, once we got to the cornfield i chucked the bong and the .5 or so whatever was left)))) So im like ight it should be cool now we aint got shit on us, say we were just walking on the trail we dont have anything on us were cool... So we start going back toward the trail threw all the cornfields and woods and shit and walk on the trail on the way back to the car. We walk and were like shit thank god...As im turning the corner to the parking lot i saw 2 cop cars and im not even lying i like jumped or made a shocked face i dont know how to explain it....(( imagine like seeing a ghost thats what it felt like))) So im like fuck it follow me, flemm walks on the trail and i walk towards the trail... So i walk right by the cops dont say one word, look at them but not in the eyes, walked to the car and sat down... Flemm got in the car and pulled out, as soon as we pulled out the cop turned his car on... We are like fuck were fucked.... But we keep driving and we get like a mile down the road and a car got behind us then all of a sudden the cop was gone and i coudlnt even see him... We drove him he dropped me off and here I am writing this crazy ass story..... it was a wierd ass day and i had to take the time to write every little detail because it was fucking nuts and just weird. smoke weed everday. this is for real i didnt make up anything i said, everything i wrote up there is 100% completely true on the realll... but im out im gonna blaze or probably sleep cause them mids kinda made me tired, but we smoke a bong so i really didnt get too tired.... Middies in a blunt is like nyquil for me it just gives me a little headache and puts me to ssleep and i hate smoking it ,but sometimes you gotta settle for it. ight im out stay uppppp, and blaze them budss. (/quote)
  3. I am always mezmerised while driving past a train, trying to scope out all the cool tagging. These guys/gals so some killer stuff. Check the link for an interesting perspective from the CC.com of graffiti http://www.50mmlosangeles.com/
  4. I'm sure Pink would never say it out loud, but he does appear to dislike blacks. He is "Pink" after all. BTW, not related to the thread, but I just got the album "pink" by Boris and I really like it!
  5. Welcome to banned camp. This guy goes all out on his last post Welcome to GC banned camp!
  6. I think you just need to cut the cord Oly...I dont see an and to the inanity.
  7. I usually keep a twenty in the bowl by the kitchen door. You might pick it up on your way out.
  8. (quote=no_way420) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok so last nite was my friends bday and they had a small party so me and my girl go over there and do business with 'mary' to them then we left to go do more "business". well we are gone may 30-45 mins, and when we go back to the party (me and my girl were the only ones that werent drinking) and when we get to the party we hear the guy that lives there screaming and shit and my other friend comes up the stairs and is covered in blood! im HOLY SHIT someone is dead, well come to find out my best friend hit this shady kid that has ripped everyone off, except the bday girl and my girl, over the head with an accoustic/electric guitar, and then that shady kid grabs my friend and has him in a headlock punching his forehead, choking him, and hit his eye on the bed post! well it turns out that he said he didnt remember doing any of it, and my friends eye is swollen shut, 11 stitches under his eye, forehead looks like a cheetah, and the shady dude got 14 staples in his head! and the even more fucked up thing is that the shady kid might press charges even though the police even said that the shady kid did more than protect himself...what do you all think about this fucked up situation? (/quote)
  9. PhöQ

    Dreams of dogs

    My dogs dream but this one goes all out [video:youtube]QwpV7Synl9g
  10. Reminds me of that segment in El Capitan where the dudes drop the water bottle and it floats back up..."its coming back up...its coming back up"
  11. OMG I totally know, I hate going anywhere near the pound and I look on those dropping off their animals with contempt, lazy humans with no respect for beings under their care. I wish we had more room for more dogs but 2 is around our limit atm. Are you all looking for a second dog now? A little companion for your buddy?
  12. This might not be accurate as I got the same message from a friend on Facebook, with the exact same story, a few days later this message came thru; The Dugan Foundation
  13. PhöQ


    Quite a few years actually, I remember when we had to brew up the frap base from Italian Roast in huge amounts, thankfully they introduced the powdered mix in about 1998 I think. Aside from the fact that I work for the Jolly Green Giant and I am a died in the wool coffee press guy, I threw a handful of via packs in my back country kit for quick brews "on the fly"
  14. sisisisiis que chido estaria que en mi universidad fuese asi cuando estudie como dice maf no como ir a la huasteca pero entre clases estaria de pelos
  15. Just installed it and it looks kick butt! Thanks for the recommendation!!
  16. Cool 96avs01, thanks for the input! With the new version of the pounder out I think i am just going to have to just look and feel them both and go with my gut feelings
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