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Everything posted by PhöQ

  1. PhöQ

    New bathroom stoke

    LOL no, this is just chirp. I wanted purple and gold feet seemed appropriate. I do regret the similarity to school colors but that is purely coincidence. I still think it will complement a pale yellow/green bathroom rather well... eh
  2. PhöQ

    New bathroom stoke

    Just redoing the bathroom floor and I needed to remove the tub, which looked nasty due to 80 years of hodge podge paint and rust from use. Gave her a scrubbing and a new coat...and gold feet. I think its gonna look sweet!
  3. PhöQ


    Right here, right now. (plus some purps)
  4. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    Thats also some really nice work! I like the burliness of the joints in his pieces! Does he sell his work anywhere?
  5. Whats that...5.9 stems with posi edges and a good rest every 10-12 feet. Exciting! NoT.
  6. Better run a virus check on that first, you can never be too safe.
  7. PhöQ

    Faking injuries

    Thanks dude, thats the chuck/moran link I was thinking of. So glad ppl air this kind of crap as a constant reminder to watch your self and to always carry enough TP.
  8. PhöQ

    Faking injuries

    This will go down in CC.com classic piss threads! YAY!
  9. PhöQ

    Faking injuries

    Geoff and Chris' big adventure!
  10. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    Classic yes, lame yes
  11. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    I am not gosh darn it! I believe Dwayner holds that esteemed title.
  12. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    You drink beer...whisky? Weed is way safer than alcohol and this can be proven time and time again. Nuff said. Sit down.
  13. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    It hits like a champ and feels like a tank.
  14. PhöQ

    Faking injuries

    Need to get a link to that classic pissfest on here several years ago, the "chuck moran" incident...anyone have a link to it? Too bad you both couldnt work it out civilly and not in an interweb dramarena. Actually it was the dirtyleaf whiner that started the post...so most of the uncivil drivel belongs to him/her/it I guess
  15. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    A water based air purifier.
  16. PhöQ

    New Glass stoke

    Just got this new pipe, US tubes, 9mm thick glass! This thing is bombproof! I replaced a 3mm glass unit I had that finally got busted due to a sloppy hand in cleaning . The beauty is in the power and the clean lines.
  17. The timing is perfect actually, this might effectively weed out the old guard hangers on and jumpstart a new era.
  18. PhöQ

    Mike tyson

    Pigstick on a lip, all im say'in.
  19. Yes he does...they are peeking out the back side.
  20. So I went to this party someone in my grade was throwin cuz they parents out of town. There was a bunch of people there, senior, junior and sophomore grades, (still in high school but ya im 18) Like theres some music or whatever but everyones chillin, we got like 3 kegs and prolly 10 12packs of beer, and this bomb ass pink drank, made with some kool-aid, beer and vodka. So I had probably 6 or 7 cups of whatever, and played some beer pong, but Im still pretty good, not too drunk. And actually I got one of my best friends to smoke for the first time which was tight, I pre-rolled a pretty nice 1-1.5g jay. So anyway, everyone was getting real paranoid and everyone was callin cops every couple min, but w/e I pretty much knew this shit was gonna get busted from the beggining, so I had my route of escape already planned, Over a couple fences. Well it starts to get dark, (party had been goin on since noon) and it eventually starts raining (fuck oklahoma) it was pretty tight though cuz lightning blew up this chair that was outside. So then the police show up......I was chillin outside ready to run, but I didn't want to go unless it was for sure getting busted. Well the cop ends up talking to one of my friends and it was just about a noise complaint and he was cool and said that he wouldn't break up the party if we quieted down. So the cop leaves. Well everyone being as dumb and drunk as they are gets real loud again, it seemed pretty obvious it was gonna get shut down at this point lol. I was just chillin inside talkin up some chicks and all of the sudden someone just yells "SHIT COPSS!!" and other people are yelling to not run and just stay in the house. Well I was like fuck that So I went outback (yea in the rain) and kinda hid in between a shed and the fence ready to bounce if I see cops. Theres some people on the other side of the fence (it was in like the corner) they were jumpin already. Then all of the sudden I just hear a really adult sounding yell "DONT YOU DARE TRY TO RUN, THATS A BAD IDEA" Which was obviously the cops. As it turns out, 4 cars showed up and just rushed the party. So after I hear that I get to jumpin the fence, but it's kinda hard cuz its raining and real wet and I slip on the way down and just rip the shit out of my jeans, took out 2 posts on my way down. I look around and theres like 4 people who jumped down with me, we all keep running and get to the fence of the neighbors, and it was this gay ass plastic fence that was like 4 1/2 ft tall with like no foot grips. So were trying to get over it and this shit just snaps down like a big chunk of it just broke off. so we keep running and get to the other side of this retarded fence, one of the people I was running with just fucking trucks the fence and litterally just drops the entire side. So were finally out on the street but none of us have any idea where we are or how to get out of this neighborhood. We finally all decide to go to my car which is in a parking lot about 7 blocks away. So were trying to sneak out of this neighborhood and the only way out is to take the street that runs by his house, luckily we dont have to go towords it, just the other way, but were running along houses ducking as more cops drive past. We just keep running in pouring rain, were all soaked, but we finally make it to my car and got the fuck out of there. Dont worry I was good to drive. Pretty fun to be honest, longest time I've ever ran from cops before. It would have been much more fun if it wasn't raining, that part sucked, all my clothes are drenched. But still a good story to tell. __________________
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