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Everything posted by PhöQ

  1. Forbidden Planet: Amazing visual effects for a 1950's movie. [video:youtube]
  2. Nice shwag "budlets" there pc313. I was holding out hoping someone would post a nice pic of some dank nugs of Kush or Widow...cest la vie.
  3. This has been posted before.
  4. 1983: Got inspired by my trail crew supervisor in Zion (John Gangemi), he was an animal on and off the rock. Got back home, dug out the classic 1974 issue of Nat Geographic with the hammmerless ascent of Halfdome, I studied the knots and gleaned what I could from the text. I got the Spire rock guide book and bought some used gear from a dude at High school and started self teaching myself at Spire. Mom felt I needed something organised so I enrolled in the mounties basic course. I stayed in it long enough to get the rock climbing info, meet Pope and then I bailed when we got to the snow and ice part. The rest is history, with Pope and I learning alot those first few years 1985/1986 but challenging ourselves and scaring ourselves. The best years EVER!
  5. What was that dance song from the Napoleon Dynamite school dance?
  6. Perhaps it's a cry for help, mebbe? Or perhaps hes just happy? Or both. Or neither. Tamara asked a question. I provided an answer. You provided an alternate answer. Neither one of us knows which one, if either, is correct. Yes sir!
  7. More mariacher memories R&I 8 with Christian Griffith at horsetooth in his Mariachers Inside the cover of same mag, a classic slew of ads circa 1985.
  8. Perhaps it's a cry for help, mebbe? Or perhaps hes just happy? I checked out the web site of the dude that did alot of his work LINKY and its pretty amazing. I don't think I would be bold enought but it is pretty cool and striking. Passing a "judgement" might not be the right thing to do, optimally giving him props for originality seems pretty on target. Cheers
  9. Me and my first real shoes at Juniper Butte, just outside of Cedar City, UT circa 1985 Roadkill, 5.11a TR
  10. PhöQ

    Shroom time of year.

    Let me guess...you started climbing in a gym and your heroes are Tori and Alex??
  11. Mark... Do us a favor and don't think...just climb.
  12. PhöQ


    Lycra never stopped being hep.
  13. PhöQ

    stupid Safeway

    Take 30 aspirin and slit your wrists you pathetic whiner. When you complain about people being nice, you know you have a problem; a problem that can only be solved with chemicals and sharp knives. I concur with Marylou.
  14. Found a nice clump of Amanita, here in the hood.
  15. Thats awesome! I love dogs, they are such awesome critters. Fun vid!, thanks for the link!!
  16. AKA litter with purpose. Kinda like bolts eh?
  17. Dude that is subliminal, his folks own a restaurant in Mazama.
  18. PhöQ

    Top Ramen

    After a session in cadaver lab years ago in Vegas, I got home and fired up some ramen with parmegian cheese for dinner. I nearly gagged as the aroma was identical to the smell in the lab. Just say NO to Ramen and parmegian cheese
  19. Alot of great choices above, I love RR and picking a base there would allow you to explore all the great stuff in JT, Southern Utah, and Easter Sierras. Primo stuff all inclusive and variety aplomb!
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