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Everything posted by PhöQ

  1. PhöQ

    Today’s Pirates

    This thread needed a "Todays Pilates" intermission. Thanks
  2. NICE! I remember something like this a few years back. Here it is, a nice adjunct to your post mythosgrl Young mans viginity on ebay
  3. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMCf7SNUb-Q
  4. Hmm, no clue but he might be somewhere in this thread. did-something-horrible-im-about-face-consequences
  5. PhöQ

    T3h N00 PC1

    Dude, just go take your drill and "build" some routes, its way more productive and ppl can make posts about you.
  6. I love these boards, these peeps range from amazing to over the top dumb. Mostly cool folks and now that I've been there a bit I am figuring out who their versions of MisterE, JakePorter, Pope, Trask, and Alpinfox are, the parallels are scary. Heres a fine sample thread. gas-station-bum-calls-me-piece-shit
  7. I will choose to masturbate with sandpaper over my hands while watching old mountain biking videos from alpinist.com instead of watching the video...
  8. Slab climbing rocks! Talking about stone type, I have climbed alot on Navajo Sandstone and that stuff is sketchy, gotta wipe your shoes nearly every move to clean off the little quartz ball bearings. Talk about total focus and shifting feet awareness. Me on Hall of Smears in Kolob Canyon. (11)
  9. I will make sure to keep my images "around" 3648 X 2736 pixels.
  10. (quote) A few days ago I discoverd something, and I need some input on how safe it is and if it does turn out to be safe, I sugest everyone to try it. It dosent have a name or anything, I just tried it one day and it was AMAZING!!! Now I understand how stupid this is going to sound but please dont give me shit for it. I just need some info and if other people can try it and let me know if it was as awsome for u as it was for me, it would be nice. I had just smoked a bowl and dont ask me why, but I had the idea to temporarily stop the blood flow to my head to see what it felt like to almost pass out. Well I sat in a chair and leand forward so that i could find the jogular vein and pinched both sides shut on my neck untill my vision started to change(10-15 seconds). Kind of felt like I had stood up to fast exept I was siting down the entine time. Then i just let go and sat back and had one of the most amazing feelings of my life. I tried the same thing later while I was sober and got a similar but much more undesirable effect so I guess you have to be high for it to work.. I sometimes have small uncontrolable hand shakes while doing this. I realise that there could be health isues if you do this and thats why I'm posting this, to see if anybody can help me out with posible heath problems this could cause. It realy is a great expirence and I encourage people to try it but do at your own risk because if you hold it too long youll just pass out. I Know that the sleeper hold does the same exact thing as this when executed properly and I dont think anybody has died from a sleeper hold. Any input would be wonderfull. (/quote)
  11. PhöQ

    Does Hugh need help?

    You mean "summon" correct? Well if shes pretty then i'm all over it!
  12. PhöQ

    Does Hugh need help?

    Lightning is typically a level one spell, and much like "flare", it is pretty useless. Level one million is a gross exaggeration and a level 2 druid would not even be worth killing. I recommend you brush up on your current spell base porter before claiming such silliness.
  13. PhöQ

    G.D Dogs!

    No offence, but I take offence to that image and have reported it to the mods as inappropriate/cruelty. We do NOT need to waste bandwidth with that. thanks and please remove it if you would. I am not joking.
  14. (quote) for new years eve, me and some friends were taking a road trip thats about 2 hours away. we left my house and smoked 2 joints and realized we werent going the right way so i had to call home and have my dad tell me which direction to go and i just remember talking about how i have no idea how i ended up getting lost because i had made the drive before. then after i got on the right roads, we smoked another joint and finally got to the city we were looking for and i had to call my friend to see where to go. he started giving me directions and i completely zoned out and all i cought from his directions was kroger. i hung up the phone and said "guys this ones gonna be all me" i took all kinds of random roads and found kroger and my friend came to pick us up from there to go to the party where we smoked blunts all night and drank tequila. we woke up the next morning all hungover so we all took a bunch of adderall and had a nice wake n bake. he drove us back to kroger and we left back towards my house. we smoked 3 joints on the way there and got lost again so i had to call my dad to get the same directions all over again. that was probably the most fun road trip ive had in a while. (/quote)
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