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Everything posted by stevetimetravlr

  1. Fairweather?
  2. Yes Bill, you are correct and so is Ivan! Of course its the Plaidman on his infamous heatwave lead of Right Gull a summer ago. When I got to him at the top, he thought he having a heatstroke it was so hot, but I think it was the offwidth section that did it to him myself. But he fired it. I had to pour water on him to revive him.
  3. TRivia questions: Who is this character and what is he on?
  4. Hardcore Ivan and Geoffry. But no, I refuse to accept this as the last bit of Beacon for the season, nooooooo... We still have well over a month before they close off our historic 115 year old climbing area for the artifically inserted nest. Wonder if dillwad brought in more bags of dirt and river rock to the nestsite again this season?
  5. Tomorrow at Beacon Rock the forecast is for SUN.
  6. Lowell, amazing stuff, thank you!
  7. Ivan, its a wee bit chilly today with a high if 27 here, everything ice locked and covered. with a stiff breeze blowing. Sounds like a great time, you still going!??? and based on the overcast going on, there won't be no moon.
  8. Heal up Kevbone, summers on its way. Anyone done any of the routes that go up the wall above the belay at start of Little Wing? These photos are not them. This last photo is for Lostcam. You have the right to remain silent!
  9. Beautiful photography. Never been, but it looks spectacular.
  10. Dreaming of warmer days.
  11. A little Lahaina harbor south swell action.
  12. Beacon Stoke!
  13. Watching Ivan, Geoff and Kyle do Jensen's Ridge last year was spectacular. What a location!
  14. Is it that new blue rigid stem cam, about 3"? On the corner pitch towards the top? Theres another cam buried even farther back, same place.
  15. Crimson is famous for ropes hanging on the descent. They probably thought they were doing you a favor, unless they ended up hanging them.
  16. It's all so irrevelevant.
  17. Did you guys see Plaidman up there? Great photos and TR!
  18. You should be able to watch it on the Tonight Show..
  19. Local Beacon climber speaks out about El Cap, climbing solo, and being Scottish in the modern world.
  20. He does look a little fresh faced.
  21. Need Beacon stoke!
  22. Sorry to hear this, I never got to climb with him. Seemed like a good dude! "For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." Kahil Gibran
  23. A little video imagery to add to Ivan's Beacon reports
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