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Everything posted by stevetimetravlr

  1. You might want to buy the Castle Rocks guidebook also. Its available at the Ranger Station in Almo last time I was there or online.
  2. I'm all for good anchors, however its hard to imagine 72 of them needed replacing, let alone half that many.
  3. Its all uncharted rock out there boys, but someone has bravely rapped in with a powerdrill and replaced all the anchors, and stripped whatever historic gear they could from the rock. Thank you so much for cleaning up the rock and keeping it safe from vandals.
  4. Really cool looking area, great TR, thank you. Amazing the Icicle holds so many hidden/secrect areas. Just got to be willing to hike I guess.
  5. Climbing ths Spike route, what a treat. https://vimeo.com/36235757
  6. so that must mean we aren't going into Deadhorse Cave today! sounds like what you need is a little underground swimming.
  7. I think the last guy to get rescued called in for a rescue and then posted on Facebook while waiting to be rescued. Not sure if you can Twitter, but I hear its all the rage when you get lost, thus the old saying..
  8. Man, I love the Icicle but don't get there as much as I used to or would like to. Thanks for a great TR and some cool photos.
  9. I will try to take a spin on the Smoke Signals. Its wet there now. To the left of Stone Soup, I have looked at it. No idea on that upper pitch Kevbone. Very nice rock.
  10. Nope,you missed it. Ends at the big tree where you scramble over to Rancho Relaxo.
  11. I like all days of the week, except the ones I have to work. That upper 3rd pitch of Genesis is one of the best pitches at Beacon in my opinion, just because it is so different then any other pitch there, semi runout slab climbing, and nice to climb a pitch that Kevbone has never done! Good time to climb it is late afternoon in the warm sun. No moss and warm rock, which after the first 2 pitches is kind of nice since they always seem to be kind of a grungefest no matter what time of the year.
  12. Burrrrly dude! Right on.
  13. Good to hear the Phuz is getting out, and that someone is doing the ole Spike route. Genesis must be pretty dry, might have to go hit it, I think we got the car to car record in 45 minutes last year, so imagine Kevbone in all his glory could crush that record and then some?
  14. Good climbing with ya Ivan. It felt good to get the rope back on after that solo sess.
  15. yep, great Jim O. route. It just needs the tat at the anchors cleaned off.
  16. I thought his birthday was Thursday tomorrow but I may be wrong. Drove by Ozone yesterday and saw his car but ended up at Beacon instead. If I had known Ivan was out I would have tracked ya down dude.
  17. I place a small blue alien there where you are talking about Kev, where it really constricts up high as you can reach. Then you can stem up and get on the slab, where if you are nervous you can stand there at a stance and reach left and place a bomber red camalot in a wide pocket in the crack. I usually just forgo that unless its slippery, and go for the topout. I think if you fall off that slab, its never going to be pretty.
  18. How did this Trip report ever fall off the front page? So I have to ask, what did Ivan do to peeve the Tacoma girls? Normally girls from T-town are much more liberated..it couldn't have been the singing or the poetry....
  19. The trail is back open.
  20. Both after six and seven are so polished and slick that you might want to think twice about free soloing them.
  21. The North Face Verto is the best purchase I've made. Clips to your harness, weighs 3 oz., stuffs in its own pocket, has a hood, full zip,a chest pocket, and has elastic around the wrists and waist so it seals you up and keeps the wind out. http://www.thenorthface.com/catalog/sc-gear/mens-jackets-vests/men-39-s-verto-jacket.html?from=subCat
  22. stevetimetravlr


    oh Hell.
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