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Everything posted by Braydon

  1. I've been humbled...
  2. Pumori looks awesome...I wanted to climb it this October but I couldn't get financial part to work out. Are you taking the South Ridge? If so tell Tim Rippel I said hi. If you taking the East ridge good luck with the avalanches.
  3. ahh heck...who needs school...if only my parents thought the same
  4. Braydon

    from an email...

    "the room's spinnin' real fast...cause' of...cause' a' gayness" (then he passes out) -Ricky Bobby
  5. Hey Jacob, I'm up for serpentine or the north ridge not this weekend but the next. give me a call.
  6. true dat...last year was pretty scary all the way into June.
  7. I always bring a copy of the cascade alpine guide description or a summitpost description and/or topo. I normally just follow the line of least resistance but never hesitate to whip those things out if i really stumped.
  8. uhh...i dragged a 5lb. video camera up mt. hood and got some decent footage. does that count as experience. do i have to carry that much gear again!
  9. About how far away would you say this is from the serpentine ridge bivouac spot?
  10. that's the kind of stuff i say when i look at the pics before reading the tr.
  11. is the rock as loose as it looks
  12. that looks pretty fun...i'll stick to serepentine for now though
  13. that looks pretty cool. can you see it from the ne buttress of slesse?
  14. that looks like a pretty sweet climb...how "runout" are these pitches you speek of and how many are there of this type and what's the grade on them?
  15. Huh...do you need a 3.5/4 camalot for r&d?
  16. how long is the class 4 slab above the 10ft slab?
  17. And could i belay my brother from the top of the slab?
  18. Are there really any "don't fall" parts on the Becky route on the descent or slab scramble. My parents have been seeing all of the unroped scrambling deaths lately and are very concerned. Now that I'm with my not so experienced brother I'm trying to avoid it as even more. If you fall on the unroped 5.7 slab part at the top will it be too serious?
  19. Hey, I'm going in February to do the Polish Direct. I'm just going to go ahead and buy a pair of millet everest boots just in case I want to do any other higher altitude stuff afterwards. That way i don't end up having to but plastics and millets. It gets cold up there. Have fun and good luck!
  20. I gues Ill just have to solo the south face in a single winter day and then fly off the summit with my parapente What do you think i'm going there to do (other than to see if Argentinan women are as hot as everyone says they are)???? phh...you thought i was going up one of the standard routes?
  21. baby steps in altitude. almost 5000 meters to 7000 meters...hmmm, i wonder if that's following the baby steps rule...do as i say, not as i do
  22. sweet pics again tvash!
  23. i know marc...geez...i thought my epic was pretty cool, you always have to be one ahead of me...
  24. is it just me or did everything just turn white?
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