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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. When you make it clear that it's either take across the board cuts, or layoffs, or put the new guys on a lower pay and benefit scale somehow the old guard finds a way to cope with making signficantly more money than the new hires. yeah, that's exactly what happens when you threaten across the board pay cuts. next Jay_B will argue there's no instituitional knowledge or on the job training for police, firefighters and teachers
  2. Hugh Conway


  3. this is fucking Russia man I can here PP fapping half a world away
  4. http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2011/02/22/privatizing-wisconsin/ Lets just give shit away. Worked for Russia!
  5. You clearly know fuckall about manufacturing. as someone who works in manufacturing... that's kinda true. I can think of several places that couldn't compete with chinese making $1/week even after lots of automation upgrades
  6. yeah, about that beercan in my Ford's bumper
  7. Union lunch? that's actually a fun one to compare, regarding teaching unions my first job was in north carolina, essentially no union there - my lunch was 20 minutes long and i was on duty during it, sitting 10 feet away from a thousand 13 year olds, tasked with ensuring none of them stood up, talked loudly, threw fritos at each other or generally had fun. here in washington, my union's much stronger than back east, and i get 30 minutes to be myself and not an employee (though, since i don't lock my door, a large gang usually shows up in my room anyway and i mix giving them good-natured crap along with spraying and reading actual news). it's no suprise i don't work in north carolina anymore Perhaps more to do with local labor law than the union - a number of states mandate a lunchbreak (non-waivable) for all workers on an 8 hr day. I beleive CA falls into this.
  8. Now the question is, how are we going to inflate the next bubble that will keep this absurd farce going? hey Apple is a manufacturer. Hows that for farce?
  9. Oh, and investment bankers are clearly overpaid as well.
  10. Logical fallacy. Just because there are a lot of applicants doesn't meant there are a lot of good applicants, or that there is "no problem" finding good applicants. hey, if he's right the solution to the Health Care crisis is to open med school to everyone.
  11. Back to successful government. That little hates capitalism place known as Singapore (Hong Kong as well) made it a habit of paying civil servants well. Eliminated official corruption.
  12. Uh, the simple expedient that over time the particular value of X changes leaving some employees at Y, others at X and much discord because Z can be quite large.
  13. Arguing that some abstract definition of rank or merit should entitle someone to a pre-determined socio-economic status in society pretty much puts you in the same camp as social conservatives who can't cope with the fact that when people are free to spend their money as they please, pornographers tend to out-earn priests. On planet earth here religion is still much bigger business than porn.
  14. choada bought a dictionary? hope it doesn't have any jewish words in it for your sake
  15. Hugh Conway

    Vegans with Pets

    we're used to your territorial pissing. Do the other hookers actually honor it?
  16. more nun's. hot and naked running through the streets.
  17. if they had the brain power I'm sure the Arizona Minutemen would be working on the modern version of a punt gun for illegals
  18. nitrox rubs the lotion on its skin
  19. Hugh Conway

    Vegans with Pets

    Given the physical nature of this site I don't expect you're going too find many over weight people here. you go outside?
  20. So...why aren't the folks at Microsoft, who also lack collective bargaining privileges also working for Walmart wages? Ditto for everyone else in the private labor market that earn higher total compensation than Walmart offers its retail employees, which are higher than the retail average. If collective bargaining is what determines wages rates, why isn't the pay for the store manager the same as the greeter's? They are working for WalMart wages... in India. Still curiously why you think Virginia (who's economy resolves mostly on Federal Government spending) is the top choice for a place to live
  21. Pretty much, yes. Virginia's a shithole. You ever lived there? I have.
  22. Hugh Conway

    Vegans with Pets

    chicken feathers = flies for fishing
  23. Hugh Conway

    Vegans with Pets

    so you were talking out your TTK
  24. The Shit calling the Turd brown.
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