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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob

    Boston explosions

    Have you actually *seen* the suspect? Your data is no better than mine! Prison Planet!
  2. rob

    Boston explosions

    they shot him in the throat to try and silence him so he wouldn't identify the FBI agents that instructed him on the attack. But it's cool, his parents are coming to the U.S. to clear his name.
  3. I'm not sure it would be a best seller. People don't want to hear this advice, they want "one weird trick" and paleo diets and juice fasting and fast cures that don't involve hardwork or fewer slices of bacon I am sure eating processed food, containing growth hormone, antibiotics, artificial food coloring, phosphoric acid, BPA (just to name w few things) has nothing to do with epidemic of weight gain. I know a female marathon runner here in Bellingham. She runs marathons in around 3:05, so she doesn't lack training of fitness, but is still on fat side. Sorry, but a proper diet is equally important in weight loss. It's so hard to tell, are you agreeing with me again?
  4. I'm not sure it would be a best seller. People don't want to hear this advice, they want "one weird trick" and paleo diets and juice fasting and fast cures that don't involve hardwork or fewer slices of bacon
  5. rob

    Boston explosions

    But if he does in the hospital we won't have a chance to violate his rights. Wait, looks like we're already on that. Nevermind
  6. Lol juice fasting.
  7. problem is finding a "good" trainer. most are probably busy working with high caliber athletes. This is very false. The main barrier to entry is that people don't want to spend the money
  8. rob

    Boston explosions

    I get what you're saying -- there are all sorts of acts of supreme violence that I can rationally understand. But I have a hard time imagining a violent ideology that would inspire me to bomb marathon runners. I mean, I hate running and all, but not that much.
  9. rob

    Boston explosions

    Really? um, yeah. Really. You *don't* find it hard to fathom?
  10. 2 hrs at 95%, sounds like a bike race!
  11. Citation please
  12. rob

    Boston explosions

    What kind of cat do you have, bob? Cats are pretty smart. Mind contributes nothing, and manages to get me to pay her way. It's like having an asshole roommate who is always late on rent, sleeps all the time, and eats all your food.
  13. rob


    It's neat that they've got most of the group's lineup, though.
  14. rob


    meh, it's not that great of a song, is it? Or is the attraction just that it's sabbath? Kind of reminds me of that AIC comeback that wasn't very good but everyone talked about just saying!
  15. rob

    Boston explosions

    yeah, it's a lot. Almost, but not quite, as much as traffic fatalities. Way higher than the death toll from terrorists.
  16. rob

    Boston explosions

    130k gun deaths in the US? Inaccurate. My cat is smarter than you
  17. http://www.rice.edu/~jenky/sports/anaerobic.threshold.html
  18. makes me think of this
  19. rob

    Boston explosions

  20. rob

    Boston explosions

    http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2013/04/the-saudi-marathon-man.html This just in: it still sucks to be brown in America
  21. rob

    Boston explosions

  22. rob

    Boston explosions

    you're forgetting about the shadow gubmint!
  23. lol, whenever I see a strange cake of indeterminate origin on my counter when I wake up in the morning, my first instinct is to eat the whole thing, too! What a weirdo
  24. If you can, I'd recommend seeing a PT to figure out what caused it. I've dealt with tendinitis in my knee twice, and each time it was caused by muscle imbalances in my hips/butt. A few weeks of Jane Fonda type exercises fixed the problem quickly. I can recommend a good PT in the Wallingford area, I think she charges $100 for 1.25 hours, which was all I needed. She is knowledgeable in skiing and climbing related activities, as well. I bet GGK could give some good advice. Good luck!
  25. rob

    Boston explosions

    Probably you can't, but imagine how much more often it would happen of the NRA defended your right to anonymously sell bombs to strangers under freeway overpasses Thankfully bombings are rare, and thankfully this one was way less lethal than it could have been. I'm with Ivan, I bet the bomber was one of our own crazies.
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