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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob

    Boston explosions

    Bomb attacks across Iraq kill 50, injure 300
  2. rob

    Boston explosions

    Imagine living in countries where stuff like this happens all the time.
  3. rob

    Boston explosions

  4. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    Excellent point!
  5. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    Some people just want to believe, I guess. It's the same thing with the anti-vaccine crowd. Whatev
  6. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    You obviously haven't even read the AG report (linked above). Embarrassing yourself again, dude. Don't you get tired of doing that?
  7. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    Minor violations.
  8. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    Was he wearing a lot of LL Bean clothing?
  9. Anyone who thinks contractors are this bad hasn't been hiring licensed contractors
  10. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    And LL Bean clothing and vacations
  11. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    Regarding JK, fair enough. But the Montana AG report and the subsequent $1 million settlement paid by Mortenson is enough to sway me that there is something a bit more than "bad book keeping" going on. Have you read it? What about the "significant lapses in judgment resulting in money donated to CAI being spent on personal items such as charter flights for family vacations, clothing and internet downloads" identified in said report? That's just "bad book keeping?" What about the testimony by board members that "despite requests, cajoling, demands and admonitions, they were unsuccessful in getting Mortenson to submit proper documentation to support the charges he was making to the charity" ? Expenses that include "such things as LL Bean clothing, iTunes, luggage, luxurious accommodations, and even vacations." Those are just "minor violations?" (as GGK insists). "OOPS! I accidentally spent my charity's money on my family vacation! I'm just a bad book keeper." None of this is enough to lead you to think that, maybe, just maybe, there is fire behind this smoke? It's obvious some people just want to believe. That's cool, I guess.
  12. rob

    Greg Mortenson - again

    It seems that some people will defend mortenson no matter what. It's almost like a religious thing now, nothing can sway some people to even admit that *maybe* it's true. It reminds me of Bush supporters. Sure, JK is an idiot, too, but how can you not have doubts about Mortensen by this point? Naïveté
  13. i've had good luck with glop stopper, but the swix aerosol stuff also seems to be pretty good and goes on more easily, but I would be less inclined to carry it with me because of the pressurized can and bulk. I only tried it because I couldn't find a brick of glop stopper and I was in a rush. BUt, I'm not really sure how different they all are, maybe I just don't get out enough to notice.
  14. DIdnt that Jamus kid dulfersitz off of some rock pile after recording his last will and testament on his phone and killing a rattlesnake or something? Was that his name?
  15. I didn't know your mom skied. You mean, like DH mtb?
  16. Clearly bob is not a skier
  17. I like the rain. It keeps everything from looking like Nevada. Nevada is like a big, dusty asshole. I'm guessing I had around 340+ days of biking last year. But, enjoy that indoor climbing gym!
  18. My bike works just as well in the rain, it's pretty cool.
  19. ditto, I have a golite pack which is probably one of my favorite packs.
  20. rob


    $1206 toenail clipping I bet those commies in Canada have to wait MONTHS to get their toenails clipped.
  21. I think Vegas sounds like the perfect cultural match for bob
  22. Prostitution is illegal? Don't believe everything you read!
  23. Who can spot reagan?
  24. I like the gray and the rain, it's calming
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