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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. Dom Portwood: Hi, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports. Peter Gibbons: Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh, Bill talked to me about it. Dom Portwood: Yeah. Did you get that memo? Peter Gibbons: Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore. Dom Portwood: Ah! Yeah. It's just we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports before they go out now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. All right!
  2. My buddy's 2000 Subaru Forester needs a front-end alignment. Can anyone recommend a suitable shop in Bellingham?
  3. Mr_Phil


    No, she's a goddess in the cab of a semi truck.
  4. If you leave your car behind in the parking lot and it's gone when you get back, do you report it as stolen?
  5. Goats are pretty kickass climbers.
  6. Kiss the party ass, or else.
  7. Save your insults for spray. Hypocrite. Where did you go to school? Reading comprehension and critical thinking must not have been on the curriculum.
  8. Hexes are just big nuts. Good trad climbers usual have big nuts.
  9. Rumr has it that even Dru was roped in at birth.
  10. Unfortunately, I only know the 2nd and 8th best mechanics for climber's trucks around Seattle. Good luck.
  11. If you pulled the draws but not the bolts and hangers, then you're only doing a half-assed job at "Leave little trace." Oh, wait. Half ass. Dwayner. Who's the fool?
  12. I'm sorry if you find the obvious offensive. You are entitled to your opinion. You are good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.
  13. Mr_Phil


    The average GPA at UW is 3.2 Really, the kid's aren't that smart.
  14. Obviously, it wasn't a fair amount of work to steal the draws.
  15. Mr_Phil


    Especially the whiny little bitches on cc.com.
  16. I'm not climbing with you.
  17. Top ropes are aid.
  18. I'll disagree with Gene and say take the down jacket. I've froze my ass off on big mountains in June wearing a softshell and jacket. There's really not much insulation in a softshell because there is no loft. On one July climb of Rainier, I was wearing my Volant jacket on the way up because the wind was howling. Clothing systems are a personal decision. What works for one person may not work for you. As a newbie, I'd suggest bringing a little too much until you decide what works for you. Being warm and dry is being happy. YMMV.
  19. The article was written by a journalist. Go back and reread the article on Colin for a few laughs.
  20. If I was Pax, I would have to insist on breastfeeding again.
  21. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  22. BIG LOU IS ALPINE ROYALTY! And Big Lou continues fucking over the rest of us on the Big R right now!
  23. Has anyone tried this out? Summit Extreme eVENT Bivy Tent - $368
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