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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. And I've skied enough times to know I suck.
  2. And that is your choice, which more and more people are making. Of course, Americans are getting more obese due to lack of vigorous activity, as they sit in front of their computers.
  3. Well, they'll have their media circus skills down pat after this experience. Duelling book deals in the parking lot outside the news conference methinks. And of course, sponsorship from MSR (for the XGKs) and Lucasfilm (for the Tauntauns). Where is Krakauer, anyway? Hiding out from the Mormon death squads? Did you read "Under the Banner of Heaven"? I'm reading "K2: The Price of Conquest" Those crazy Italians.
  4. Well, they'll have their media circus skills down pat after this experience. Duelling book deals in the parking lot outside the news conference methinks. And of course, sponsorship from MSR (for the XGKs) and Lucasfilm (for the Tauntauns). Where is Krakauer, anyway?
  5. Well, they'll have their media circus skills down pat after this experience.
  6. I agree with you. Folks who like organizations/clubs/heirarchy/ego-trips/etc are attracted to S&R, and most of them are mediocre (if that) climbers. As you said, there are a few really good climbers in S&R, but they are a minority. My understanding is that the Mountain Rescue organizations are volunteer, so they take what they can get. If the few (and the modest) uber-climbers such as yourselves don't join, then Mountain Rescue is composed of the folks who do. Such as Mounties and NOLS graduates. And they will go out there and do their best. Because if they didn't go out there, no one would.
  7. This rescue is a full blown media circus. Hell, it's been on Larry King and every other 'news' program all week. Whatever happens, happens but I'm sure the guys in charge are just trying to maximize the chance of success.
  8. Please, everyone, stay out of this thread and let SAR handle it.
  9. There's SAR, and there's Mountain Rescue.
  10. Mr_Phil


    First time home buyers are like clubbing baby seals.
  11. My gosh. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm sure the bumperstickers on your car are also full of helpful information.
  12. I think I will.
  13. Then again maybe you saw it in the first post of this thread.
  14. Go SONICS. Oklahoma needs more BLING!
  15. I'll guess that if they stomped right past the cave, they'd stop and stick their heads in to say hello. Not to mention alert the SAR guys. And probably feed them milk and cookies.
  16. Mr_Phil


    Maker's Mark, I believe.
  17. Ya, no shit. Got into work early this morning because the power was out at the homestead. Damn electric coffee maker.
  18. I get into spray by clicking this link: Spray So easy, even a Caveman can do it.
  19. How is this the other end of the spectrum?
  20. Yup. The Pieps DSP rocks.
  21. Why is Jonmf so full of shit? I don't mean to be critical, and I really don't know what I am takling about, but has he ever pulled his head out of his ass? I'm just asking a question. I hope to get a sincere answer from the *real* climbers on this board.
  22. And prostitutes... And comedians ...
  23. Mullethead.
  24. Finally, my kind of poster. Jon, you and I should get together and create a new board without all the fluff. Serious posts only, and climbing resumes required to separate the men from the boys. I thought you had a court order to enforce that?!?
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