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Everything posted by geoff

  1. Congrats on the puzzler. I need to get my camera and computer in the same room. Soon and there is a video as well.
  2. That's pretty cool. Great place.
  3. Nice TR dude. Thanks for going on the trip and also for not going (#2) on the ledge. My pics to come.
  4. You start on the side facing the highway, approach by walking down the highway, leave most the gear, don't expect any on P1-maybe one crappy piton. Climb this at night on the star gazing day when it's allowed.
  5. Nice POV Pat. Toddipoo, the bag goes on your belay loop between your legs. No chest harness needed. The pic on the right shows how it is done.
  6. Grew up down the road from Chicago in STL. Don't remember many hills back there, or in Chicago. When it snowed everyone in town would go to the only hill in the city, Art Hill. Anyhow, most folks shouldn't drive rain or shine but, it was a bit tough getting around my neighborhood. Mind you this is with no warning to grab your chains and no help from road crews.
  7. Really? I don't have any special love for DP but flying like a bird for 3 minutes seems pretty freakin cool.
  8. The question is the route name. Anyone know? At Upper Cape Horn, looking at the cliff and from right to left, it's the second one. And hell yes Kev, OL was briefly and reluctantly coaxed out of retirement for a few laps. He was on fire that day but hasn't been seen since. Here he is performing a crampon tool match.
  9. Nice Tyler. Always thought about that thing.
  10. Nope but I have been up to the Chimney Rocks. This place is near the Syncline biking/hiking area across from Hood River.
  11. Katani Rock Rooster Rock in the Gorge Nice view from up top. Labyrinth This may be slightly across the border.
  12. Trip: Upper Cape Horn - ??? Date: 12/10/2009 Trip Report: Gear Notes: Tired climbers willing to set TR. Approach Notes: 5 steep minutes
  13. Jurasic Park is a pretty sweet spot to stop on an I-5 road trip.
  14. Here's Kyle on Rooster Rock. Does McKinnley Rock count? The Traverse?
  15. My bro and I on top of Stein's Pillar.
  16. Nice. Is that White Snake on the sound track?
  17. Ropes were for our photographer. And, that's Dave in the last pic waiting to solo past someone on their first ever outdoor climb. Dudes were cool though and let four MFs pass em on the traverse.
  18. Say what you will about the pup, but the tent is sweet. Here's a shot of her with the top rolled back. Notice the much more expensive tent in the background. This baby made it through a fall t-storm in Payette, ID where nearly our whole camp washed into the river and the road was shut down, trapping us in the bar, for most the night. The pup was standing with water marks nearing its breaking point with very little inside.
  19. I had a little bit different walmat model that was the shit for several years. Top rolled back to enjoy the stars. Set up a breeze, fairly water resistent out box and about $20.
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