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Everything posted by geoff

  1. let's not forget Pendleton Ken and company trying to beat a guy leading the corner by climbing little wing and cutting over before it gets good. i think they finished that day by taking the dude's climbing pack by "mistake". and the leader was suffering from Parkinson's. the rr guy was from an earlier trip on cat in hat. he just climbed right in front of us and over the party we were waiting for making a very new follower climb under his rope. the crimson folks just climbed straight up our asses all day and then bailed before the top.
  2. They can chime in, but it may have had something to do with rappelling as a group of four, leap frogging two sets of ropes for double rope raps. Sounded like a good idea, but for some this may have worn off after an hour or so. I wondered if this was in fact faster as I had seen it in action before. Any thoughts on the time saving aspects of such setup.
  3. Frogland Dodge Rams Mt. Wilson (your other right) Solar Slab Last real pitch of Olive Oil (thanks Steve for beta on where to leave packs) Man ponders his future No chalk, no shoes, no rope Yes, that is Elvis being arrested
  4. Got date with lady in a robe at 9 but good to go after that.
  5. Who wants to climb the corner Friday? 63*
  6. Half way up P2 bolt ladder. Someone took a little fall. Nothing a little cardboard and tape won't fix.
  7. Gandolf or something or Butte? Call 503 380 1084.
  8. Well done Plaid. Climbing the Dome looked like a serious outing.
  9. Ol boy was too legit to quit, like I did after seeing the first bolts on P1. They held, but my opinion of the quality did not change-they suck and are waiting to pop.
  10. Index is great if you need some meth or firewood. But, I think firewood is just code for meth.
  11. Forgot to add, I am not asking for this position.
  12. Why would you restrict folks from discussing the most important issue facing Beacon, access? No offense, but how does one with 3 TRs about snow skiing become the moderator of the Beacon forum? I'll take my answers off the air.
  13. Cool, but I like how ol boy Ivan does it- only QDs.
  14. You mean YW isn't open? That climb is no where those damn rats with wings.
  15. A gentleman eh? Glad you had fun. Ready to hit Gandy's again when the rain quits.
  16. This trip was cut short due to snow. Plaid has left the Coethedral.
  17. Ivan, Kev's like a broken record with that shit. What happened to your plans? You wanna meet me at a PDX crag in a few? Anyone? Gandy's?
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