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Everything posted by geoff

  1. Obviously these folks just wanted to help you keep living up to your name. It's your destiny.
  2. Really dude? As far as I can tell you are an old hang glider pilot that can't spell. When you used to go to Smith in the '80s did you walk there from PDX? If not, you must be a lazy ass. Just sayin.
  3. Just wake me up when it opens. I can barely carry my fat ass up there, much less a bunch of gravel. Thank you for your hard work though.
  4. Place was a zoo. Anyhows, I'll be back for another round on Sugar and Spice. Thanks for the encouragement.
  5. What? I told him you would have it hanging off your rack the next time you two met. But, on a side note, someone was dead set on taking my neatly coiled rope at the bottom of WL and Adam's Ass to a climbing gym somewhere and posting a note about lost and found. If this person is out there, I want to remind you that something is not lost if the person that left it there can easily retrace his or her steps to find the item. Anyone who may have left a rope at a climbing area would immediately know where it was left upon noticing it missing, which in this case it was not missing at all-just a little out of my direct sight. Anyhow, I suggest that if you find a wedding ring in the dirt on a trail, pick it up and try to find the owner. If you find a car in a parking lot, maybe just assume the owner will be back for it. Thanks for not stealing my shit and making me go to a gym.
  6. Scan countries are less religious than most. This crazy could use some Jesus. Crazy
  7. My guess is Cat Piss. Cat Piss
  8. geoff

    passive pro at Smith

    No chalk, EBs and hex nuts. That's all you need.
  9. me sure that didn't slow you down.
  10. I was thinking that rapping is not climbing. Rapping is not restricted, only climbing. Maybe the BRCA office is still legally accessible for those monthly meetings.
  11. Yep. Just ask Kasey Anthony about dangers of swimming pools. These parents must not have been lookers. Should teach them young ems to swim before the river trip. And yes, if multiple kids die on your camping trip, expect the cops to ask a few questions.
  12. I thought there may have been a story behind this but had the good sense not to ask. This was shortly before our midnight climbing adventure where I didn't have sense enough to stay in camp. And, Sunshine Wall proved to have some. Good times.
  13. My location. Too far from Tinsel Town.
  14. This guy just got another client. Dead Agent
  15. I can vouch for the rope thing. No way JH stole dude's rope. He'd be way more likely to give you a rope. If he removed it for some reason, I'm sure he would give it back with an explanation about why he removed it.
  16. Suggestions were made that this post be deleted.
  17. Sounds fun but not sure we all will fit in the back of Kenny's rig. Plus you have to lie down.
  18. This seems to support your cut gate biner equation too.
  19. Was going to say "Just another reason I would never want to go to Australia", but Zimbabwe- really you are just asking for it.
  20. I'm sure we can delay the Thurs. start for a few so folks don't have to rush over. However, I'm not the slide master. Brad will have to confirm. Thanks.
  21. You can stay if you want.
  22. Yep. We have at least one projector, maybe two. Thanks though. Folks are wanting to have this on Dec. 15, 2011 at 6:30 or so. There was talk of having this at the Mazama's in SE, but I think that plan was overruled in favor of my place in SW. This is open to everyone interested in climbing and seeing a cool show. However, if you do not get along with Jim O (or he don't get along with you), we may need to schedule a separate showing for you. Bring your fav beverage, climbing porn or even your own slides. PM me if you need directions or have questions or concerns.
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