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Everything posted by StevenSeagal

  1. That's just how the amateurs do it. I'm not sure about the pro's, but I'm sure they take way bigger falls than that.
  2. This is what ice climbing is all about. It's super cool. [video:youtube]
  3. I don't record. I only do live shows.
  4. StevenSeagal


    Fix Or Repair Daily
  5. No. I did.
  6. Apparently it took ten thousand posts before everyone put me on ignore. What's that noise?
  7. somebody call the waaaaaambulance. Fucking Canuck pussy whiners. Measured against your brave keyboard contributions to the defense of freedom, a couple score deaths of pussy Canadian soldiers is soooooo diminutive.
  8. Yes. Fire away and be yourself, cracker.
  9. SS: posts > 1500, TRs 0 Looks like you're standing on thin ground, there. Dumbass. Every one of my posts is a "trip report" in kicking ass and serving justice, numskull. Consider me 1500 and O. Now Into the Sun with you.
  10. Yeah, climbing should be the basis for your foreign language choice. Dumbass. Why not? It's your own basis for choosing a website for spewing right wing political talking points.
  11. StevenSeagal


    your comments are pretty fucking ignorant, but I understand since your new "god" has proven to be a sham. pretty fucking ignorant because I don't believe Jesus was born to a virgin, or that he was the son of a magical man-in-the-sky? I don't think Obama is a sham. Or a god. Where did you get that idea? As Zaphod's brain-care specialist would say, "Vell, Obama's just zis guy, you know?" Which, incidentally, is pretty much what I think of Jesus. The following is a pretty fucking ignorant statement. Figure out why; you are not Kevbone: 'No, "just like Jesus" in that only ignorant people could possibly believe that either were divine.' It's ignorant because the only acceptable form of debate for religious people is for you to grant them, at the inception of the discussion, that all of their beliefs are true, and work from there.
  12. And there you have it.
  13. Yeah. Uh huh. Okay there, Chief. I'm gonna go ahead guess that seahawks is back and proudly displaying the results of his second frontal lobotomy.
  14. First, Oregon gave us the fast guy with the yellow dog. Next they sent us that "Traditional Mountaineering" douchebag. Now we have Captain Space Cadet and his incoherent babble and delusions of grandeur. So....WTF is going on down in Oregon?!??!?
  15. Gun control doesn't kill people. People kill people.
  16. I already climbed your mom, Charlie.
  17. Stefan, this is the response Rush wants from people , specifically so he can invoke the "dems wanted Bush to fail in Iraq" GOTCHA retort. The real reason Rush wants Obama to fail is that if (and yeah admittedly a big if), in four years, the country is happy and prosperous or otherwise well on its way- then his credibility is fucked...except with his dittohead base who would gladly go down with the ship, bleating all the way.
  18. Right, we certainly wouldn't want to incite further partisanship by criticicizing a guy who, to a chorus of righteous cheers, told the CPAC: "Our idea of 'bipartisanship' is bringing them [Democrats] into a room and forcing them to agree with us after we've cleaned their clocks politically..." This, after incessant GOP whining that Obama's pledge of bipartisanship was phony because the new administration offered to work with them but wouldn't agree to the GOP's every demand. If someone like Rush, with his vast (and baffling) influence over so many citizens, can also have so effectively bullied an entire political party into parroting his divisive, misleading and failed ideologies, then I think by all means the opposing party and for that matter anyone in government who believes in what they are doing and sincerely feels their policies are going to be good for the country has a right to respond to him. At this point the main "discredit" is simply asserting that he is the leader of the GOP behind the scenes. How exactly is this assertion a negative on Rush if the GOP base seems-as they do- to so strongly agree with his message? People who take issue with this are just pissed because it is a brilliant political strategy by the Dems- forcing the R's to reject or accept leadership affiliation with an offensive reactionary who champions greed, ignorance, and all the elements of the most base level egoism in our culture.
  19. StevenSeagal

    He's no messiah

    This is so ironic. Rush is the same guy who about a year or two ago was pushing the slogan "the Democrats are invested in defeat" as regards opposition to Bush foreign policy- i.e. the Democrats want us to lose the war and want soldiers to die, etc. etc. Even more laughable, regarding the uproar over his apparent complete control over the GOP, is that he's repeatedly described himself in slogans and soundbites as "the Man who runs America!". With the GOP in shambles, I wonder what exactly he runs now, aside from his big mouth?
  20. StevenSeagal


    Wrong again, honey...
  21. StevenSeagal


    OK we give up. Was it on Mark Levin, Savage Nation, Sean Hannity, or all of the above?
  22. porter is simulchanneling 5k and FW Actually I really wish they would come back. Where are they?
  23. porter is simulchanneling 5k and FW No, he's just trolling for your ilk!
  24. Let me try again. Warren Buffett has some nerve tellin' us workin' folk what's it's all about. While he's been off on a permanent island vacation drinking margaritas, blowin' out his flip flops and steppin' on pop tops, me an' all the other Joe Sixpacks has been workin' hard to make a livin' and workin' hard to get to heaven!
  25. Ya know the difference between Warren Buffett and libturd? Nothing! They both hate America! HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!! Now get off me big brother, yer crushin' my smokes!!! What? Ya don't like a little Main Street Wasilla humor?
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