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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Same thing happened on Baker in 1996(?). Glissading down the draw West of the Hogsback, into the crack and down to the base of the hidden waterfall. I was on Mt. Rescue at the time, first and last time I zipped someone into a body bag. Not fun...
  2. A non-T TR. Not uncommon.
  3. What ever happened to the "Who's got the better TR?" contest? I'd like to read summitchaser's latest TR of his new mixed ascent above the Alpental parking lot, complete with two-GoPros-on-each-ice-tool video, next to Marc's Emperor Face solo tale. Hard to decide...
  4. Ketchup and jelly packets will be served at the premiere.
  5. Kinda defeats the purpose. Frustrating for the posters, I'm sure. How am I to live vicariously through others?
  6. White-out conditions.
  7. CJB's reaping his karma points after referring to a number of people as "faggots". What a cute list!
  8. "Please! Re-bolt these sport climbs! PLEASE!! We're dying!!!!"
  9. Let them eat bolts.
  10. Nominate Trump. Who cares?
  11. President Dump
  12. Polish the Pole.
  13. Rubber boots. Check. Velcro gloves. Check. Edge of high cliff. Check.
  14. More like NAMSLA. Baaaaaaa...
  15. This is not spray. Nope. No way. Not yet.
  16. It's not a dump truck. It's a series of tubes.
  17. Shit fuck damn, that is some thoughtful fucking shit, damn, asshole, dumbfuck.
  18. I have enjoyed this site since the 80's. That's two 40's, as in "Edward 40 Hands"
  19. The banners Bob usually gets were selling soiled women's panties. Now it's guns. What is the world coming to?
  20. When I use Firefox, A-OK. When I use Chrome, I was getting "site not found". Works now, it seems...
  21. Currently: "Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb", Richard Rhodes, after "The Making of the Atomic Bomb", Ibid...
  22. "Computers only do what you tell 'em to do." -Dr. Jerry Jasinski
  23. They arrested a terrorist out near Deming. Osama Been Loggin'
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