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Everything posted by tazz

  1. another place to try posting this is another very active hiking/backpacking forum portlandhikers.org
  2. SWEET image!! Great stuff John! Another Top notch trip and report!
  3. Voile Split Decision Mojo 161 2008 In VERY good shape. Maybe had...20 days of trips (BC and resort) slide plates/pucks/skins (skins used maybe 8 times) included. asking $500 (new = $950-1000) I can only speak good of this board. I don't want to part with it.
  4. I was waiting for this trip report and your art jason. thanks and top notch work both of you!
  5. Josh, I am proud of you! :-) Good work you guys! I hope to see more TR's from this new group of young climbers.
  6. Awesome!! I found myself cheering her on and groaning when she fell. That wind...wow... Good stuff! thanks
  7. Josh, Keep up on your great conditioning and getting out the way you have. Then hit Dark in may. Gimp would be a great guy to lead the trip. I would still talk with iron and see if he will join you and Gimp. Wait for bonanza till you have many more C4 peaks under your belt. Good luck...
  8. Josh talk with "iron" about this peak. I bet if you keep up your good work, work hard in your mountaineers class and keep making good choices out there. Iron may just want to join up with you on this one in May. Just an idea and he is more than capable of leading that trip. Maybe you will make some new friends at the mountaineers to get out with ya. :-)
  9. mark just because it is not a "popular" easy to access mountain doesn't mean it is cheap mountain. If that was the case then 75% of the peaks/mountains in this state are "cheap". Nothing wrong with working hard on approaches too. IMO this peak and many like it are soooooooo much better that the "popular ones". More adventure and WAY more fun than following a conga line. Go for it Josh.
  10. Holy SHIAT! My stomach is still in my throat! That was AWESOME!
  11. I am so sorry to hear this. So sorry....
  12. Whoo hoo!! Great work! Looking forward to it and eager to get it into my hands. I hope you don't mind the advertising, but I will be posting this in a couple of other places.
  13. take the Commonwealth basin trail. Map by ragman.
  14. Great thread! Some great shots above. The frog is awesome.
  15. awesome BD! I love the smile on his face! He is a natural for sure. Thanks for sharing.
  16. 6 degrees F Sat night in the NC's at 6700+. 16 at 4800+- last night. OOPS not Ingalls area though.
  17. make sure ya post pics when ya figure it out!
  18. what i wanna know is...are ya gonna wear your skirt? have fun!
  19. [video:youtube]
  20. Sorry but, I was talking about several rotten apples not just you, but your ego kept you from seeing that. Although you do need kudos for killing what could have been a good adult conversation in an accident thread. Thanks, because you have proven what this place is all about. thanks to all for your good responses. I appreciate it. Ta ta till my next TR...
  21. So asking a simple question to open up an "adult" conversation here is quibbling, preaching and being a safty freak? The question was not if climbing is safe. The question was what are folks thoughts on simul-climbing. Too bad some folks on this site are so good at driving other good climbers away with their disrespectful gibberish, childishness and huge egos. Pretty soon all you will die and the site will die with you. That is unfortunate because this site could be a great site with out all the shit heads and asshats. Chuck I really like your post. Thanks!
  22. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post ------------------------------------------------------------------ Buckaroo...thanks for that tip. I am gonna check it out! I am learning and enjoying the thoughts, opinions and input folks.
  23. mont-bell make some of the best puffys. I have climbed Washington and surrounding white mountains quite a bit in winter in the 90's. layers layers layers!! I had EMS and NF clothing. It is not Denali and you live there so you are used to the winter cold. I had base layer with two more fleece type layers (when it was -20 i had a huge wool sweater i would haul around )A good puffy would be about the same as my heavy ass wool sweater. then a heavy NF mountain jacket that i still have to this day. It was a great wind proof, water proof, insulated outer shell layer but 15 yrs ago they made them VERY heavy!! I had base layer, with a fleece pant and a outer shell similar to ski pants. oh and north face down mitts with a thinner glove under for when you have to use your hands out of the gloves for a minute. I wore asolo plastics. The inner booty was great to save my toes. The Whites in winter are awesome have fun!!!
  24. i was talking to Pete H. about spraying and i was joking with him. I know you were not spraying ..at all. wow, on red rocks. Would you have had the same results if say your hands were not holding onto the rock at that very moment. so when you say moderate you mean low class 5? I know a stupid question but I am learning here. Moderate can be a wide swath to different folks. Or is there a certain rating to rating it is describing? BTW glad you caught her and all went well. Noah... great post. thanks!
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