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Everything posted by tazz

  1. attention...that's what he is looking for. Even negative attention is attention. he is looking for partners because he can't get into the hills without someone to drive him. He is wanting maps with a drawn route on it. he wants the pats on the back and to be cool for doing silly/stupid things in the hills. But to boil it down it is allllll about online attention he gets. If he was really hell bent on climbing and learning how too, he would get off his ass get a job, car and training from those who get paid to deal with noob folks. hey josh have you looked into youth outdoor groups such as outward bound and more? These are ways to get what you need. Mountains, peers your age, support/training from the leaders. they have trips and stuff that last all summer and MORE! They have scholarship programs and more financial help. It will not be easy (nothing in life is easy josh) but i really think it is a place for you to fit in. IMO this is the route you could take to get what you need. Then after come back and show folks what you have learned.
  2. Oh Josh!! why are you in spray...? oooohhh boy...FUN!! Welcome to CC spray kiddo!!
  3. haha!! marc!! Don't say i didn't warn ya all... he is a good kid. Just needs to slow down and guidance! A LOT!!! hah! Josh you should really Google poon tang...you would like it...haha!
  4. I have been playing at the wall a few times. It is fun. Some glitches with bolts and such but most have been fixed. It is a fun place if ya don't have time for much else. Never went in the building though...heh! I should check out the bookstore. edit: if you can deal with the hollow echoing thud sounds,cracks and pealing of the coating then it is almost like real rock. ;-)
  5. you all crack me up!! lets learn josh on Poon Tang then maybe he won't be as obsessed about rainier!! NICE, i love it!! hahaha!
  6. Trip: I brushed a Tooth... - same ol... same ol... Date: 7/15/2009 Trip Report: who cares about those awesome trs on that 5.10 FA shiat! The TOOTH is the way to go, hell yeah!!! From the 50000000+ reports here, it has to be!! I figured I must check it out and see if it is as good as the hype. Add on two great guys, Randy B and Don B to play on the rock with, perfect weather, that fact that i didn't have to leave home till 9:30am instead of 4am for good alpine fun, it was an awesome afternoon so i figured I would share in pics. fun times with great friends! thanks guys! i had the only camera so we swapped so we could all play . DonB took the best pics... ahhhh great day and climb with great dudes!! FUN!! time to go....:-(
  7. Josh, you will never be able to do this big bugger in a day! A lot of gain and loss. Just think. You have trouble with the slog up to camp muir. that is an easy slog. Stuart, for those who are seasoned it is an easy slog but for those who don't get out as much (you) it will be a steep tough climb. just think the standard route you gain, then loose, then gain, then loose, then gain, then loose. Not easy at all!!! It will kick your ass in the condition you are in now. take 2 or 3 days and you will be successful! you can do this one with the proper partners and plenty of time. :-)
  8. isn't that an awesome route!?! good stuff!
  9. report
  10. as usual an enjoyable read about you two getting it done!! I like the new approach to the area except the boat. Pain in the ass and cost $ the rest sounds good though. hmm... You just gave me an idea... thanks. Cheers to ya both!
  11. make the choice yourself...
  12. that is NOT a grizzly. It is a cinnamon colored black bear. I just saw a huge one at rainier. They are all over and folks all freak out thinking its a grizz. its not!
  13. gonna share your tr here?
  14. little 8 yr old Johnny says, "my pee pee is bigger than yours!" Little Tommy says," No way! mine is bigger!" then ..."no it isn't"..."yes it is, your dumb!!!" ...no it isn't, you are ugly!!!!!!!"... "yes it is i will show you"! then Johnny drops his shorts. Tommy shrugs and drops his. Come to find out ...DAMN! they are both the same size!! thats spray!
  15. I commend you for being honest Josh!!!! I know thats not an easy thing to announce for you. :-)
  16. i just fell out of my chair and spewed merlot all over the carpet and through my friggen nose! that awesome! thanks I really needed a laugh today!
  17. Ahhh crap!! see oooopsy!! I don't reread!!! I do NOT have the equipment...I am A gal! Promise...I am!! and totally strait . i love real dick !! the fake ones smell funny!
  18. Tim you know me, maybe not very well but dammit you know I mean no harm what so ever! Fuck with me though and you will get the rath....hahahaha your a good guy and funny as shiat!!
  19. ok ... first off I am No DUDE!!! I just have the equipment to be one! thankyou for your clarification and good post. I care about Josh and only want the best for him. he will admit he needs a harder hand to keep him in check. I have always been an honest caring person with josh. he knows how and what i mean when I post. I do not mean to denounce him that was soooo not my intenet. he is good kid with a big heart but has issues and a huge passion for the mountains. i only want the best for the kid. Even if it means being a bit harsh. I wish he could find someone who can mentor or even just take him out so he can get out. I just wanted folks to know the troubles he has created for himself on 2....read 2 other forums. so that maybe someone better than i can take him in and mentor him. again thanks for your clarification.....
  20. wanna play? lets play!! Bring it on asshat!! I am not one who is anal about fucking grammar or impressing anyone with my grammar or spelling or fix my typos, in any way! bring it on fuck-head! I am soooo ready to play!!! wait let me get my dictionary so i can have a chance against such a pillar as you!!
  21. No rad he is NOOOOO fred or helmey!!!! You will see. Oh and i am as chill as can be. he knows what he has done. he openly admits it. BUT till i called him on it he was fibbin to yall. Or, more like omitting. No, I don't think he should have a guide. I think he needs a VERY patient mentor. I am not a guide type of gal or even the type for a club. I like learning on my own too. thats why I feel for him. call me selfish but i just can't take Josh out and give him the guidance he needs. All I can do is help him out on the net as I have been for 3 yrs now. it seems soooo much longer! have any of you read his reports... take your time and do so before you spout off that I need to chill . you will see. this is one he took off without telling his mom or brother where he was going. his brother or friend comes to the site all distraught saying Josh is missing and they have no idea where he has been for 3 days! He was just asking about doing Columbia peak solo. So the forum community was worried.We told him Columbia is not a good one for him to do solo. we gave him many good options for some scramles then he come back and posts this! http://www.hikrs.com/blog?pid=3&view=comments yeah he has ambition and drive and passion for the mountains.And thats quite a trip. But when you don't learn from your mistakes and keep making more of the same it gets a bit ...old! Josh I sooo hope you can find your mentor and take your time learning the ropes. I have told you before you don't have to jump from the net with your beta and climb Rainier! Start with finding good partners and mentors and kiss their ass! Do everything they say. Shit when they say shit, eat when they say eat and more. i know you get what I am saying but put it into action and show folks you are not as silly as as you come off here on the net. Oh and to the egomaniac the slammed me, SP and the NWH. I didn't know you had to be a 5.12 FA person to fit in here. I guess my 5.9-5.10 is not good enough. Damn! I thought the name of this place was CASCADE climbers.com not ROCKclimbers.com. I don't know who you are but i think it is hilarious! LOTS of great "climbers who post there and will not post here due to ego drive fools like you. Kiss my arse!! hehehe.... hang in there Josh. You WILL get up them someday! You know I will always be around if ya need me. Your a good kid. Good luck and enjoy folks!
  22. Matt some of us have offered to take him out and some have even done it! the ones who have done it say they won't go out with him anymore(minus a couple of suckers)or avoid him like the pleague. I even offered to take him out if his brother 18-19 came along. Then the liability. He is 16 and if something happened to him...his mom could sue your ass! Something is ALWAYS happening to him even when he is with one of the, more experienced folks. he just needs to slow down and take it like most folks do. Take the time to learn the skills or take a class which he claims he can't pay for. he claims he can't work at 16. I gave him free options to take a class. they wanted a guardian with him (liability). he has had GOBS of beta, support and good info from hundreds of folks in the hiking/scrambling/climbing community. He just does not listen! period! Its like talking to a brick wall! I feel for the kid but, come on! I tell ya if he does here what he has done on SP and NWH you would understand. I in no way want to discourage him (or pile) but want to let him know that being dishonest and not clear about his experience and age with you folks is not the right way to gain partners and a mentor that he really needs.
  23. Josh it burns my ass when you go back and change your posts and delete half of what you wrote! Dammit I need to learn to quote everything you post when I respond!
  24. Josh be strait with folks here will ya!! or I will post some lnks to your dangerous shannagins!!! You came over to NWH after getting banned on SP (for cheating and driving folks nuts!) and we all took you in. Supported you and gave you much beta and advise. Then you started doing stupid dangerous stuff in the hills endangering others! They are not crazy over there they are trying to save you from getting killed or killing someone else. I asked you to be truthful when coming to CC so folks can help you out. You are not being truthful!! You are a liability out there that is why you cannot find a partner. Folks, he is a sweet 16yr old kid with a huge passion for the hills but has no experience but a handful of hikes and a couple of scrambles and the internet forums. He has had many close calls out there out of pure ignorance and VERY poor decision makeing. Even on hikes he gets in trouble! One for example: He followed a guided group he was not invited in up rainier, then followed some folks he had never met up into the glaciated area without proper gear and could have killed him self and/or his brother! There are several others trips that almost top that! He was banned for 2 weeks because of crap he pulled and had folks all in an up roar. he has folks he has been out with and they will never go out there with him again. He wants to climb the biggest peaks without the work to get to that point! He wants rides, training, and partners without the work to get it. Josh folks care they are no crazy. BUT, if you keep burning your bridges you will be without a mentor and partners, and folks will stop caring! I didn't want to do this but you are not being honest here. You know I only wish the best for you kid and i hope some day your dreams will come true, but you have MUCH work to get to that point. Sorry folks but I don't like to see him not being honest to you all. We tried over at NWH and it is like hitting your head on a brick wall!
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