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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. We need to have an anti-Valentine's Day, Winter Booze party!
  2. I do, however, often get reminded that I am wrong.
  3. You must be referring to yourself, because I ain't done no pontificating about that. Not on the coolness of being single, or that no one else is good enough for me.
  4. Valentine's Day SUX.
  5. "A retired nurse saved her brother's chicken, Boo Boo, by administering mouth-to-beak resuscitation last week after the fowl was found floating face down in the family's pond."
  6. knotzen

    Winter Blues

    It was supposed to be sunny all week! I just looked out my window and it's pouring down rain! Again.
  7. knotzen

    Buy Danish!

    -- Vatican statement re Mohammed cartoons That is absurd. Without the right to offend the religious expression of believers, there is no freedom of expression.
  8. Does your opinion have anything to do with the dearth of hotties in this year's offerings? The Whopperettes were hot.
  9. knotzen

    mikey's B-Day

    Birthday cake!
  10. Hummmm, I'm getting a hug from my computer.
  11. knotzen


    I didn't know you cared!
  12. knotzen

    I am such a loser!

    I thought it was the opposite--if you use butter you can slip into heaven more easily.
  13. knotzen

    I am such a loser!

    I'm such a loser, I have this insane urge to go climbing at Exit 38. Today. In the rain. Well, not in the rain--that's the point. I miss summer!
  14. knotzen

    Weather Photo

    But...there aren't any mountains in this picture...?
  15. knotzen

    Roll Call

    blah, blah, blah knotzen here and accounted for
  16. I'm not spraying, I'm asking seriously. Seems like a reasonable question for the Rock Climbing forum. But, hey, whatever. Cheers, man. Boulder on, yo.
  17. knotzen

    Roll Call

    I'm unemployed. I'm not stiffin' anybody out of paid work time. Jeesh.
  18. Serious question: Why do people boulder rather than do roped climbing? Is it because it feels freer not to deal with ropes? Because you can boulder without trying to wrastle up a partner (unless you need a spotter)? Shorter approaches? A cultural thing (snowboarders vs. skiers, etc.)?
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