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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    Roll Call

    You're not playing it right, man.
  2. I prefer "fluffy" myself.
  3. knotzen

    Roll Call

    Just woke up from a nap. I feel FuhRESH!
  4. knotzen


    Actually, I've found that the cure for the Mondays, if you happen to be "between jobs" and it's raining outside, is sorting your outdoor gear with a margarita in hand and hip-hop playing on the stereo. Peeps should try it sometime.
  5. knotzen


    You're so cute when you're pissed.
  6. knotzen


    BRB--have to go wash my hands. Nasty fat virus.
  7. knotzen


    Immunity to the fat virus. Inject me, baybee.
  8. knotzen


    It's Monday! Yeah, baby. Ooh yeah, Monday. AND it's raining! What more could you ask for.
  9. Found God and became a kook or a cook?
  10. Well, at least he has a cute avatar.
  11. Gay as a daffodil. and white haired homophobic hypocritical conservative white americans LOVED him while pretending not to notice. now thats cool. He DID have nice legs.
  12. I CALL BULLSHIT!!!! Liberace will always be cool. Gay as a daffodil.
  13. knotzen

    It's coming!

    Listen, could we go back to killer buds?
  14. knotzen

    It's coming!

    I've got some ice in my fridge. You're welcome to it.
  15. It's more of a troll town.
  16. I like the color of their uniforms. That's a pretty shade of blue. Although it's not very slimming on number 99. Oh, come on! Isn't this worth at least one ?
  17. Hey, fuck you AlpineK. I was mearly trying to put a better face on it. Knotzen or somebody might read this, and I didn't want to disgust them too bad. The front line lining up on the RealJZ is way more disgusting that some nice beer ponies. You're the moderator here. I was trying to save you some face in front of your moderator peers. But if you want to be disgusting, well, fuck off. Things will be different when I am Uber Moderator . Don't worry, I'm not reading it. Carry on. (The WHOLE Seahawks roster?!? )
  18. knotzen

    It's coming!

    get back in your shed. OK.
  19. knotzen

    It's coming!

    Or maybe you prefer "gals?"
  20. knotzen

    It's coming!

    OK, ladies. Let's have some respect for the first buds of spring, shall we? And my shed.
  21. And, mind you, I'm not being a bandwagon fan, either. I've never seen pictures of their uniforms before yesterday. Otherwise, I would have liked them all along, I'm sure. It is a very pretty shade of blue.
  22. I like the color of their uniforms. That's a pretty shade of blue. Although it's not very slimming on number 99.
  23. knotzen

    It's coming!

    Dudes, don't go crappin on my spring ( ) thread. Man!
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