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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. We got an hour of sunshine here on the Eastside. I think the wailing and gnashing of teeth was effective.
  2. I was thinking I might go hiking after all--until you called it embryonic fluid.
  3. WTF are you guys TALKING about?
  4. Do you mean the rain? Or do you mean the "discussion" about 93 days vs. 33 days vs. days of rain vs. days with rain vs. ..
  5. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    And it goes well with port.
  6. Will someone turn off the damn faucet? I want to go play outside! Grrr.
  7. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    I thought that was Jack Kerouack?
  8. knotzen

    Geek magnet

    I think "geek" encompasses many different types of people. In my last job I worked with a bunch of software testers and developers, all of whom would probably be considered geeks. I found they were quite varied, though. Many were potbellied and geeky looking, but others clearly worked out, a bunch of rode motorcycles. My coworker, who looked like the classic geek--fat, balding, glasses--was a really cool guy with 4 kids and scads of grandchildren. Some people start in other fields and end up in "geek" fields. And/or have hobbies that are more right brain. So, what attracts "geeks" likely varies as much as they. Except for the usual guy things, of course.
  9. You sleep in, and you miss out on all kindsa great shit. Woo-hoo!
  10. I saw her Chernobyl Web site a few years back. I like this quote: "Good girls go to heaven. Bad ones go to hell. And girls on fast bikes go anywhere they want."
  11. Dude, you can carry up my beer any time. Just get out of that god-forsaken sandbox, and get back to where the real mountains are. Yo.
  12. If I reveal that my real name is Mergatroid MacGillacutty, can I talk shit about people? THANK you!
  13. It looks like you don't hate climbing walls. For training, you gotta work with what you got.
  14. Has anyone been doing cross-fit from home? Over time? Results?
  15. The highlight of my weekend was posting on cascadeclimbers.com. No, wait--I did laundry. Never mind.
  16. knotzen

    OMFG, part 2

    Dude, his first name is TREE, not Drew.
  17. Martha chokes chickens? No wonder she was in prison.
  18. Where do you keep your chickens? In the freezer?
  19. knotzen

    OMFG, part 2

    Gun guy: "Does this gun make me look fat?" Camera guy: "No, dude--you look awesome! If I wasn't a bigoted, homophobic, redneck asshole, I'd fuck you myself!" Gun guy: "...WTF?!?" Camera guy: ...
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