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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    OMFG, part 2

    His design sense, reflected in his carpet and bedspread, is pretty scary, too. Oh, and then there's the gun. But the carpet really gets me.
  2. I'm glad you're doing better, MisterE. I've had a lot of back trouble, and it is a major nuisance. If you can climb .10 with a sore back, you're doing the right thing. I started having muscle spasms and pain in my back when I was getting into alpine climbing in the early 90s. It pretty much threw me off my game for mountaineering. However, I did a lot of crag climbing last summer, and was pain-free for an extended length of time for the first time since 1993. I was amazed. It must be all the stretching and use of muscle in your core that helped. It gives me hope that I can get back out to the mountains, where I want to be. The human body is amazing, in health and injury. No animals were harmed in the making of this thread.
  3. knotzen

    OMFG, part 2

    I'll take the ski mask. Do you take paypal?
  4. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  5. Next time stay a little longer.
  6. Where'd you go, TREETOAD?
  7. whirled peas and tomato sauce, yo
  8. Hey, how come you guys are reading this thread, anyway? Hmmmmm?
  9. I have it around here somewhere...oh, nope; it's gone. Sorry.
  10. Oh. Well, then it's not nice to have you back.
  11. That reminds me...nice to have you back michael_layton.
  12. Amazing...all these years later, he is still remembered for his climbing.
  13. And you're bossy. And noobs . Welcome to the playground, Bellinghamster noob.
  14. I oughta get one of those for my dog. Then I could go away and leave him at home all weekend, without paying to put him in a kennel.
  15. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    Oh shit, 3 posts in a row. I hate when that happens.
  16. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    One of the best pies I've made (and eaten) was with mountain huckleberries, picked in October, no less, in the valley leading up to Headlee Pass. I was surprised as shit to find good berries that late, so filled up half a water bottle and took 'em home to make pie.
  17. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    Wha...??? Must be a Canadian thing. Ain't never heard of that. However, my former in-laws used to pour (homemade) Kahlua on their ice cream. Pretty tasty.
  18. knotzen

    Favorite Pie?

    Now I know what to bring to the next rope-up--pie! Who woulda known climbers are so into pie?
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