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Everything posted by mec

  1. i thought all gummie bears taste the same, just different food coloring...
  2. mec


  3. best thread of the hour at least.
  4. mmmm, vomit jellybelly, when is that going to make it to the states?
  5. mec

    Most Dangrous Animal

    Is this in Enumclaw?
  6. i just past 500 posts. it was nothing exciting
  7. jellybellies rock, but you have to be very selective. for instance, who thought buttered popcorn would be a good flavor
  8. my parents (who also live in the boondocks) bought a generic one from radio shack a dozen years ago and it seems to work well. it is one of those square, vertical oriented ones. i'm not quite sure brand, or specs or any of that, but it got the job done. a couple stations come in really clear, and the rest are decent.
  9. an old wire coat hanger always seems to work. plus its a lot cheaper than most of the alternatives...
  10. what? you do not sit and contemplate your each and every post?
  11. oxidized, isn't that another word for RUST...
  12. Yep, you must have already had it looked at then...
  13. mec

    mana from the sky

    hey it's a third world country, they really don't know the difference between a motor and an engine. A motor is just something that makes it go and is generally loud and smelly.
  14. just a little. Is that last one your cat? if so, you should probably have it looked at. something just ain't quite right about it.
  15. sounds like a flexibility test more than a center of gravity test.
  16. man, he is missing out on his own get rich quick scheme then. We should all email him and tell him to call up CNN, and get an agent. It's what the US is all about right?
  17. The weather people should. They have new technology and stuff. Wait, they can't even predict what the weather is going to be tomorrow...
  18. mec

    human zoo

    are you suggesting that I am talking to myself?
  19. mec

    human zoo

    why not just go au natural?
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